So we are less than 10 days before Christmas. The kids are getting excited for vacation and of course Santa. Every night prayers are filled with Christmas wishes or what Wii game they want to play the next day. Then after our advent prayer the fight ensues - I didn't get to blow out a candle or Patrick - is it still my birthday? Thank goodness we will have 4 candles to blow out next week.
Patrick had a great birthday. His birthday card that I made and sent to PBS Sprout made it on the air. I was recording it on the DVR but when it was on live I could not get Patrick to quit Wii to come upstairs to watch. What is funny is when Patrick wants to see it Tommy gets just as excited because his name is announced on the air too because I had all of our names listed on the card.
It feels like I have been baking forever even though it was just two days. Yesterday was the sugar cookies. I had the kids decorate them after dinner. They did quite well with not licking their fingers too much. After a lot of sprinkles of the floor Tommy & Patrick retired to the living room leaving my big boy elves in charge. We got it all finished. Today I decorated the gingerbread cutouts. I would like to know who started the tradition of the Christmas cookie. Its fun at times but can be stressful when they don't come out like you hoped. What was funny was before the decorating began I made the boys use the bathroom and wash their hands before the mess began. This was more for Patrick's benefit as I'm trying to get him to go more often. Anyway John was first and then James was going in behind him to which he exclaimed "John you have a big butt!" I laughed and said now you know why you can't come in the bathroom with me!
Today was James concert/Christmas pageant. He did well although to me he looked really nervous. I was quite pleased he wanted to wear a tie and look nice. A lot of the kids dressed up. It was really cute. Friday is party day. I'm helping out in James' room in the morning and going to John's in the afternoon with some wrapping of presents in the middle. Thank goodness for Aunt Kathy to come over and watch the boys. What is funny is Patrick is asking for Aunt Dorrie to watch him. Can never win with that kid.
Matt was off today so he could attend James' pageant. It was a blessing to have another set of hands around today. He could watch the boys so I could run a few errands. I'm sure he enjoyed it too!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
It's almost Christmas!
Monday, November 30, 2009
The Joy of the Season
The boy saw Santa a couple of weeks ago. I was so impressed no one cried. I don't know if my bribe of the Auntie Anne's pretzel was the ticket or if seeing Santa's picture in our living room helped things. Since then Patrick continues to get away from me while we are in stores. I'm lucky if he holds my hand or if he does he stops walking. So in the middle of Target last Wednesday I called Santa to tell him to forget about Patrick's wishes. James is now asking me when I'm going to call him back!
So the Christmas tree went up on Friday and we were having issues with little fingers taking all the ornaments off and big brothers trying to save them resulting in broken ornaments. I had 2 really break and 1 I was able to fix. I was lucky to find them at a decent price on ebay. Since we instituted the rule that no children touch the tree we have had a better success at keeping the ornaments in one piece. I think I didn't put that many ornaments up. One reason I was getting tired and hungry and the other was I didn't want the kids touching too much. Maybe next year a few more will go up.
Patrick is very excited about his upcoming birthday. I think he gets the idea thanks to PBS Sprout who celebrates birthdays on the air. I made a card and sent it in so hopefully I can record them showing the card should it get on the air. If not we can look at it on the web. I'm hoping the letters I used (they were something you would use in a scrapbook) continue to stick to the foamie board I used as the card. I couldn't find large colored construction paper. I have to make his cake later this week.
Today I took the boys to the Penitentiary Glen to their game "Snowdrops Adventure". Its a little maze like Candyland where you spin the wheel to see where you go in the maze. The kids had a fun time. I was going to take them downtown but this was a better alternative. It really was cold today so I'm glad we stayed closer to home. Maybe during Winter Break I can take them down.
This weekend will be fun and chaotic. We have basketball late in the morning, Matt's Holiday party in the evening, we celebrate St. Nick's day on the morning of Dec 6th, we have to squeeze church in there and then Sunday afternoon my sister's family is coming over to celebrate Patrick's birthday and Patrick's actual birthday is on Monday. I have the presents - just need to wrap and some assembly. Its just like Christmas. The presents are bought but just need wrapped.
Oh the fighting over the Wii. It might have to go into a timeout!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Tis the Season
We are definitely getting into the holiday spirit in our house. More like - the kids are having a blast pouring over each toy catalog that graces our mailbox. I think we are finished with the hustle and bustle for the kids. I went out on Tuesday night after my dentist appointment. I think we have enough to make everyone happy. Of course its always a guessing game until they are older and can tell you exactly what they want. Whether I can afford what they want is another story. Patrick is the best - I ask him to pretend I'm Santa and tell me what you want. His answer is "nothing". Maybe he thinks this means he doesn't have to be good or if I don't have to pretend then maybe I don't have to talk to Santa. Who knows what he is thinking. What is challenging for me with Patrick is that his birthday is on the 7th so I'm trying to make both special. I hope he likes what he is getting.
Tonight after dinner I plan on taking the boys to see Santa. Before you complain about how early is let me ask you what child do you know wants to wait in a long line to see someone they are not sure about. Hopefully everyone will cooperate (Tommy and Patrick) and we get a half way decent picture before they can get off his lap and talk to him. It would be nice if I could score a picture while they are talking to him but I have a feeling my laps will be full.
Lately the kids are misbehaving in the stores. I think they are getting a comfort level because we go there so often. I have two choices - stay away from Target and go to another store or stay home altogether. The latter is going to be tough. Maybe we'll have to figure something else out. Patrick is into walking away from me and Tommy is thinking he'd like to ditch the cart and touch things like everyone else.
Today for some reason everyone was up early so that is making it a challenging day. We are all tired and they have tuned me out. Tommy has ended up in his crib in his time out a few times. I think if this keeps up he will figure out a way to climb out.
A funny story from James last week when I asked him who he played with in school. His answer just the boys. I don't like the girls because they have long hair and can't shoot guns. I said I'm a girl who has long hair and can shoot a gun. Apparently I don't count.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
It's November!
With Halloween it has been crazy around here. The boys had fun - I think. I know James enjoyed his Halloween party. Patrick and Tommy enjoyed wearing there costumes. I decided on Friday evening to take them to the local shopping strip for their Trick or Treat. The weather was great and the kids enjoyed it. I guess that was enough because John didn't even want to go out when it was actually time for Trick or Treat. I had to trick him into going to two houses! The other boys wanted to see what Dad was doing. We weren't out long and that was fine because it was windy and cold. John enjoyed playing the role of ring master where he called all the kids over to our house for some candy. The little ones enjoyed eating their treats and watching from inside the front door.
John came home with a great report card. I really enjoyed going to the parent teacher conference. His teacher really enjoys having him in his class. It is good to see he is not only a good big brother to my boys but to other kids in his class. John is one of the top 4 in his class which means he gets to take on special assignments that continues to challenge him.
I took James to the ophthalmologist on Tuesday. Basically we have to wash his eyelids twice a day for the rest of his life. It will help prevent styes and whatever causes them. So far he is accepting the eye washes which I'm relieved. Hopefully I'm doing it right. The pediatrician made it sound more worse than what I'm doing so I better check out.
I'm anxious to hear how James is doing in school. I think he is doing well but he doesn't talk to much about school. Sometimes when I quiz him on the days of the week he gets it wrong and I'm not sure if that is on purpose or if he really doesn't know. A lot of kids have been sick so that has delayed the kids being tested.
Our school system passed a levy so I heard rumors that starting next year the kindergarten class can go to school all day without tuition even in public schools. I would really like James to go half days so I hope that option is still open. They have the rest of their life to go all day. Let them enjoy half of their day at home.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Time flies when you are having fun
I can't believe I haven't had anything to write about for a while. Actually I don't think its all true - just other priorities. Here is the latest on the Keough boys - John has a cough, Patrick isn't too bad - an occasional sneeze here and there - it must be his daily dose of orange juice that is doing him good, Tommy's nose is running like a faucet and James is getting over yet another stye. This one caught me by surprise as there was no red warning before his eye inflammed and I couldn't find a head where the discharge was coming out. We had it under control so he could go to school yesterday but I was concerned about some mucus clumping to his eyelashes. So I took him to the doctor again. I saw the same doctor as I did last month. This time instead of eye ointment I got eye drops - which I think I should have got last time. I also got a name of a pediatric opthalmalogist that we are to see when his eye gets better. The doctor said it might be a cyst that keeps getting infected. I had to bribe James with lunch today to get him to go to the doctors I wonder what a trip to the opthalmalogist is going to cost me. At least he is no longer holding his eye.
John is doing awesome in school. His interim report said he was reading at a 2nd grade level. This week ends the first quarter so I'm anxious to talk to his teacher to learn more ways I can help him at home. I think what we are doing is ok but some of the methods they use to teach the kids seems like a foreign language to me so I want to make sure I'm clear on it.
I'm also anxious to hear how James is doing in school. I will learn more in November. I know he knows his numbers and alphabet. I know he can cut better than John did at his age. I do worry about his handwriting but when he lets me work with him he does pretty good. I just wish he would practice more.
During the week the weather is to be fantastic for a change - it has been cold and rainy. Of course this weekend we have Halloween plans at Penitentiary Glen and its supposed to rain. Hopefully it won't be too bad so we can have our train ride.
Matt shot a lot of video of the boys this weekend. Its so cute. I will have to get it on the computer and uploaded to Flickr.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Fall is here!
Last week Fall arrived. Our front tree has already a few leaves turning beautiful colors and the kids were dying to jump into them. We finished decorating the outside of the house. We bought some corn stalk from our church. Sunday was so beautiful weather wise. We enjoyed a long family walk. Patrick and Tommy did there share of walking too. We brought the backup - now THE - double stroller along so if they both wanted a ride they could. I gave my friend my really good double stroller and one of the cribs on Sunday. She is having her second baby in a year so she could use some extra help!
I'm trying to come up with ideas of things I could do with the boys during the cold days. We have been hitting the parks where they have animals inside. I know of Playground World in Chesterland that has open play time. The Wickliffe Library has a fun play kids section. Tonight for fun we did a craft project together then I printed out pages they could color. We could of course go to the mall - but I don't know if I can handle it being a weekly trip - although they would get their exercise. I might have to check out those places that have the inflatable stuff. It costs money - that is the only downfall - free is so much better - especially when I have 3 kids to pay for. I just wish there was a place the kids can go and run - not hurt anything. That is the mall and we could walk too but I'm sure the people at Disney will get sick of us just like the guy at Target who works the Wii section.
I'm nervous in some respects about James and the fact he doesn't know how to write really well at all. I haven't taken the time because of the little ones and when it is just us - I'm working or he doesn't want to do it. I'm going to have to make a point to try and work with him in the mornings he doesn't have school - I guess I could have the other two color or something. I just think I will lose it if and when they start coloring something other than the paper.
John had an awesome interim report. I now know what his reading level is. I guess after Kindergarten he was at 1.5 and now he is at 2.2. This week he has alot of tricky words to spell. I am having him practice every night just like last week (even though last week was easier). In fact right now they are all watching Letter Factory. James can learn how to right and John can refresh on his phonics. I'm excited I am going to be in John's classroom two times next month helping the teacher and kids.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Patrick the hat trick!
So Patrick has become so obsessed with Wii that he has now cut his nap time in half. I think I finally convinced James that he now has to give Patrick a turn. James has let him do things and now has to admit Patrick is good. He enjoy the golf the most. He gets very excited. But then John comes home and if everyone takes a turn - Patrick gets impatient after one person goes. This turns to screaming and tantrums. Patrick is very quick to start another game without giving up the remote. I'm sure its a trick his brothers taught him. We have 3 remotes. I told Matt we will probably need to become a 4 remote family now. Pretty soon Tommy will need one without batteries as the tv remote won't do.
James completed his first full week of school. He seems to enjoy it very much. I always enjoy hearing what he does in class. I think he is still shy and doesn't interact with the kids. I'm sure by the end of the year he will be a little more social.
I signed Patrick and Tommy up for an exercise class and today was the first class. There were my 2 and another boy. The teacher let us try the class today and decided we can continue for the 4 weeks. I hope she will keep it going through the winter because it gives us a new place to go and have fun. It reminds me a lot of dancing to the Wiggles - only with different songs. Patrick really did well and Tommy did pretty good too. At times they both would get shy. I think because the music was loud they got a little afraid.
John continues to do well in school. He is reading great although I'm a little nervous he isn't comprehending what he is reading. I test him here and there about the book. His handwriting is really neat. I couldn't believe how he took such care with each letter when I saw him do his homework this week.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
The back to school germs have arrived
John started coughing late last week and on Monday James started to develop a stye. As of yesterday Tommy and Patrick started sneezing and coughing. We are washing hands and wiping noses at a furious pace here. I took James to the doctors yesterday. He prescribed him an ointment to help get the infection out. The pharmacy didn't have it in stock so in the mean time I stepped up the hot compress this time using a tea bag. This has helped tremendously. The gunk has come out - mostly. It is still a little swollen. I'll be anxious to see how the ointment works. I plan to pick it up after dinner.
John is still liking school. We are trying to figure out how John can learn to open up a carton of milk himself without waiting for someone to help him. I have sent an email to his teacher hoping this can happen. I'm trying to find small cartons of milk so we can practice at home - I haven't found any at the regular supermarket - maybe the convenient stores might have them.
We decided last week to replace our storm door. Nothing was terribly wrong with the one we had but I was hoping to get one that has all glass and a retractable screen. Lowe's put them on sale for Labor Day and I was sold. We had Lowe's install it. They came yesterday and it looks wonderful. Then today I was thinking that I would like to decorate the front of the house really cute for fall so the weeds wouldn't look cute. I went out and bought 5 and then 8 more bags of black mulch. The boys did their best to help but they weren't much of help until they helped collect the weeds. James actually was a help by handing me the different rakes when I needed them. I mulched the front and then the side of the house to where the porch starts. The boys play in the one area by the big oak trees so I'm thinking of leaving that alone - after all they would be digging up mulch instead of dirt. We'll see. I know we would need a lot of bags to cover that area and I'm not even thinking about covering under the bushes.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Back to school part 2
Well today was James' 1st day of preschool. He did very well walking in without a fuss. I think he knew in his mind he is ready and excited about getting to do big boy stuff. I felt bad for the first time kids and parents who had a tougher time. I had the video camera on but forgot to hit record on the way in so I got some footage of James by his locker. It would help if he grew another inch or two so you can tell it is him! I did get video of him coming out - although I have yet to watch it! His favorite part was playing on the playground and snack! No surprise there! Patrick kept asking when was John coming home - I said don't you mean James??
Patrick was ready to walk in to school too when the doors were open. He is mentally ready - just not physically. Although at times he is good at potty training and other times he doesn't say anything.
John continues to do well in school. He is reading really well at night. I'm glad the teacher sends home a note weekly with what they did in school. I didn't realize I was supposed to be going over math with him - adding 0's and 1's. That is another thing we will need to squeeze in. Maybe after dinner while the kids are playing he will want to go over it. I feel bad because I know he needs time to run around too but we need to review this stuff. It will help once the weather starts getting colder. We had to brainstorm yesterday for his writing unit. For every subject he had to come up with 3 ideas. Most of them he did come up with. The subject "Pets" was a little tricky seeing we do don't have any. I think what is ironic the only pets names we came up with is for Dogs and John isn't one to go pet a dog! I like Sad Times - his first thoughts - when you yell at me for which I rephrased - when I get in trouble!
I just realized last night that Tommy has had something happen to him at least once a week. Three weeks ago it was his bloody lip, last week the bee sting and umbrella to the face courtesy of Patrick. This week we had 2 falls in the same morning. The 2nd fall left a really nice goose bump on his head. It is slowly going down now. Of course he has his scrapes too from falling on bricks that line our flower beds and a bloody nose. The youngsters latest thing is to climb the fence and the banister for the steps on the porch. Matt calls him a daredevil - I call him trying to keep up! The poor kid last night woke up screaming and just rubbing his back didn't settle him so I picked him up until he stopped and then laid him back down. He was fine and then it started all over again. Matt tried to comfort him as well. When I heard him breathing hard I got back out of bed. We gave him some goldfish pretzels (as his peanut butter sandwich for lunch and supper became an option for him) and some water. After that he fell back to sleep. He is getting more molars but it really seemed like a nightmare to me. Matt said he was ok with Matt being in the room with him but once Matt tried to leave he started to cry hard.
The younger boys enjoy waving to every bus that goes by our house. Sometimes they even wave to people on motorcycles. I'm glad they wave back.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Back to school
John has had a great first week of school. He has behaved well, mustered up enough courage to buy milk, lost his second tooth and looks cute on the school bus. The first day of school he went without milk because he wouldn't go in line. The 2nd day I had him buy a milk pass and he has bought milk everyday. Today he told me he bought milk but didn't drink it because no one came over to help him open it - ugh! Apparently you raise your hand for help and no one responded to his request. I guess kids don't think to go over to a teacher to get her attention.
It has been challenging for me to fit in homework in our afternoon schedule. The little boys are an issue that we are slowly dealing with. The weekend gives us a little more time so we shouldn't be too challenged. Next week they have a full week of school. I hope he continues to enjoy it.
James starts preschool next week. Wednesday is a drop off your supplies and Friday is the real deal. I asked him what he is looking forward to - he said snacks from me, learning to write his name. He said he wasn't afraid of anything right now so hopefully it stays that way.
Dear God - please let Patrick sleep in tomorrow - this getting up before 5:30 is a bit much - especially when I am PMSing!!
Monday, August 24, 2009
The last day of summer vacation
So I was trying to think of something fun to do with the kids. I was pretty sure I would take them to the Penitentary Glen Park for some nature but at the last minute decided to take them to beach - not to swim but play in the sand and playground equipment. When I first got there I was astonished at the number of bees at the beach after all there are no flowers in sight just sand! We made our way near the lake so the boys could throw rocks in the lake (a new favorite pastime) and then soon we were digging in the sand and making volcanoes with water inside. After a while we walked back to play on the playground. They had fun with it and soon it was lunch time. Again the bees are everywhere. The kids are starting to freak out and I am a little too because Matt is allergic to bees and I don't want to have someone having a reaction today. Well poor Tommy was the lucky child that got stung. It was on his thumb. The poor thing cried and cried. Luckily I knew the people who worked at the refreshment stand and they gave me a spray that numbs the area. It didn't really help so we finished our lunches on the way home. Tommy continued to cry until he fell asleep but started up again when I was getting him out of the car. I gave him ibuprofen and put vinegar on the sting. I did my best to hold a cold compress on it but he would have nothing to do with it. He finally settled down enough so we could head to Walgreen for antihistamine. When looking at the doses I figured there was no way a pharmacist would tell me how much to give to him but I asked anyways and they did. By the time we got home the redness had gone away so I didn't give him any but at least I have it on hand. It was a semi peaceful naptime. Patrick just got up a few minutes ago to tell me I'm wet. Turns out his diaper was half off with just being a little wet. The major wet was on his sheets - ugh! I'm glad I had a cat nap because this is turning out to be a pretty exhausting day - especially when I carried Tommy all through Walgreens! Yes I will be sad John is going to school but at least nap time has a 90% chance of being fight free - that is until Patrick wakes up!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Back to school shopping
So today I decided since it was going to be hot and muggy again - with a chance of rain we would head to the mall to do some back to school shopping for John. We started out in the play area. Luckily no one was there so the boys could climb and jump around everything. I was impressed at Tommy for being suck a daredevil. Then James decided he need to go to the bathroom. I rounded everybody up got their shoes on and off to find a close bathroom. Apparently James doesn't like using a public restroom to take care of business because after a few minutes on the potty he decided he did not have to go. Patrick used the bathroom so it made the trip worthwhile.
Today I decided to experiment with having just Tommy in a stroller. I promised a friend she could have my really really good double stroller after the summer because Patrick will soon be 3 I figured we wouldn't have much use for it soon. Patrick did really well even in the stores like Disney and the Indians team shop where there is a lot of fun things to look at. I think his challenge now is to walk and look at the same time. My challenge as I have figured out is to keep Tommy from pulling off the tags from the merchandise. I have another sit and stand stroller if I need one in a pinch.
I always tell the boys to "look with their eyes and not with their hands". Today Patrick took those words to heart. At the our last stop, the shoe store, we were waiting in line to purchase John and James new shoes. He decided he needed to look at the jewelry stand that was near the cash register. Instead of touching with his hands he put his face 2 inches away from the jewelry. I had to laugh because he just kept doing it over and over.
I'm taking a gamble and spending a few more dollars than I like to for jeans for John this fall. I'm hoping they will make it to Patrick without getting holes in the knees. Wish me luck!
On Sunday I took John and James to the city pool. I bribed John with baseball cards to go down the slide. I knew he could do it and that he should have no fear about getting from the middle of the pool to the side where the ladder was. He did it not once but twice. Today I made good on my bribe and bought him cards. He was like a kid at Christmas when going through the names. I bought a 2 pack and I think the one pack I had already bought him. The good news is he got Ryan Howard.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
So far both boys have really enjoyed Bible School. I also have enjoyed spending 3 hours with just Patrick and Tommy. It is so much easier to get two kids dressed for the splash park than 4. I also have enjoyed hearing what they learned each day. Yesterday when I asked James what was the snack - he said - Jesus Christ. I said no what did you eat? Apparently it was some graham cracker thing that maybe was the stable because they talked about Jesus' birth. James really likes the concept of school and I think he thinks of himself as a big boy. I think going to preschool might be easy for him. Both boys are cute singing the songs from the Bible School CD they got yesterday. The tunes are catchy.
Yesterday James used the bathroom and then put his pants on backwards. I didn't notice until we were in the driveway. So when he told me he had to go again I reminded him to change his pants back to the right way. He then told me "I was just crazy!" Then today at lunch he told me he showed everyone his Star Wars underwear. I said did you just pull your pants down or was this during your bathroom break. Luckily it was the latter. I later talked to him about how it might be unacceptable to do that. He replied can I just show the boys? I said no. When he shows you his underwear he sticks out his butt nice and wide. Its cute but I don't think that is the behavior a catholic school teacher wants to deal with.
I really can't wait for Patrick to grow out of the "WHY???" phase. Enough said on that except I hope and maybe I should start praying Tommy doesn't start this little habit.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
The Water Show
The Water Show was fantastic! The pool is celebrating its 40th Birthday so the show was around Manry Pool's history and memories. James and John cooperated when I asked them to rest in the afternoon. John laid down for an hour and James eventually took a 2 hour nap. We arrived at 7:30 because the boys needed to be there by 8pm and we wanted to get in line so we could have a choice of seats when they opened the gates. We are so lucky my friend Kristen watched Tommy and Patrick - I could not have imagined how much less I would have enjoyed it because I was tending to them. The show finally began as they paraded all the participants out around the pool. John looked to be enjoying himself and James was all business. When it was time for the boys to perform again - John having fun and actually dancing - James was half dancing. Then they jump into the water and it is cold. John was so good to James to make sure he grabbed his hand to form their circle and you could tell at that point James as not liking the cold water. They got through their routine very nicely - then hopefully they hurried back to their towels to warm up. The participants were behind a curtain where we could not see them. The lifeguard performances were very entertaining. My side hurt from laughing so hard. Then came the guard dance where James was to be featured. The one guard brought him out and he was just standing there near the steps of the shallow end looking a little chilly patiently waiting. They finally made it over as they lined up on the side of the pool they took him on the side further from where we were sitting. And then it was time - and James began to shake his booty! He did a great job. Then came the closing parade where everyone paraded around again. James at this point looked like his eyes were going to bug out because the poor guy was beat. The boys then patiently waited for us to get them from "behind the stage". We got to our car and it was 10:40pm. The boys slept in until 7:30 and luckily for me have been very pleasant. It has been the other two that have had their moments today! Here is James' dance with the guards - sorry I was yelling during the performance - I was excited for him. Matt apologizes for capturing more feet than people - I think he was laughing and I may have hit him in the excitement :-) I think James is done with his fancy dance for now. I think we need to give it a rest and maybe in a couple weeks he might just do it again!
Sunday, August 2, 2009
New month, new look
John's discovered on Friday afternoon that he had a loose tooth. He literally jumped up from the couch and yelled "I have a loose tooth". When he actually let me touch it I was a believer. We then discovered both of his front bottom two are loose but one more so than the other. He proceeded to wiggle it all weekend long with his tongue. When he woke up this morning came down and hung out on the couch like he normally does. Then I think he went to wiggle his tooth when he said "wait a minute something is weird" I looked and he lost his tooth! I thought it might of just happened and I asked him where his tooth was and he said he didn't know. He then proceeded to cry because I think he thought he needed to have a tooth under the pillow to have the tooth fairy come. I let him know that it doesn't matter if he doesn't have his tooth - the tooth fairy always knows when a tooth is lost. I think he must have swallowed it at one point. I went upstairs to feel around for it in his bed but couldn't find it. You can see the next tooth coming in so I'm sure it just pushed the baby tooth right out! He is so cute because his "s" sounds are funny!
The boys had their last practice for the swim show this morning. I think John is ready. James knows the moves but there might be a question if he actually does them. James will definitely have to take a nap on Tuesday. He took a good one yesterday and was able to stay up until 9pm. I think he could have lasted longer but I was ready for the kids to be in bed! James' teacher told me on Friday that James' "Fancy Dance" will be featured in the beginning of the Lifeguard dance. She said they might include James as well. I said be ready with bribes!! John also got good news on Friday. He has passed another level in swimming. They are holding him back until next year as there is only one week of lessons left. I think that is wise to give him that extra practice with everything.
Matt's birthday is still 2 weeks away but I couldn't help but give him his present early. With the boys performance Tuesday night I decided to get him the Flip video camera he had been eyeing. It was on sale at Best Buy. It is a small HD video camera - it is the size of a cell phone. It takes great video and is easy to use. Hopefully there will be enough light to see the boys!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
The Circus
The Circus came to town yesterday. All summer it has been cool and comfortable. Well the Circus came to town and it was hot and humid. The good news it was overcast most of the day so it could have been much worse. Before swim lesson the boys and I took a pit stop at the park where the circus was being held to see what we could see as far as the set up. We didn't see much as usual but after lessons when we went back we were able to see the elephants, tigers, horses and ponies. Matt took a half day off to join us at the 4:30 show. The show is about 2 hours with a intermission so going to the 7:30 show was out of the question. The circus people like to charge $4 each for a box of popcorn and pop so I brought my own. When we arrived we always look to sit at the top of the bleachers so we have a "back" and they usually hike up the tent so we can also get any cool breeze that might come our way. The first set of bleachers was pretty packed so we went to the second set and found a seat. We should have kept going because the 2nd set was a little different from all the rest because it was much steeper and not much leg room. I had Tommy on my lap while Matt had Patrick at times with John and James in the middle. The show starts and the clowns come out and Tommy is starting to cry. I think he was startled by the noise and how loud the music and announcer was but after I opened a bag of cheetos for him he settled down. Patrick apparently at some point I think near the intermission wanted to leave. I think he was hot and hungry and maybe a little bored. It got worse for Patrick as intermission was over and the circus began again as he was crying and voicing his displeasure very loudly. Unfortunately we were well trapped in the bleachers and I didn't want to make everyone move so he and I (and of course Tommy would have to come to) could leave. Luckily the show after the intermission wasn't very long and we were off to grab some fast food for dinner. The best part of the circus for me was in the beginning. The man is balancing on boards high up after he finishes James tells us that he is doing his fancy dance!!
And finally - yesterday I bought two books at the Dollar Store for John - one was a book about Presidents and the other was about the World. The World book shows the different contienents and countries. It talks about the language spoken and how many people live on it. John asked me this morning if Santa lived in the Artic. I said yes. John replied well the book said no people live there and Santa is a people. I said well they must be misinformed.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
The Fancy Dance!
James has developed a dance which I think might be inspired by watching hours of Dancing With the Stars. He has called the dance his "fancy dance". When swimming lessons started I told his instructor to ask him to show her because I thought it would make James feel a little more comfortable with his new surroundings. Well the teacher and other life guards loved it! Apparently they liked it so much recently when they were out on the town having a good time ond lifeguard jumped up on the bar and yelled "Fancy Dance" and all the lifeguards who where hanging out did the dance - including the knee knocking. I captured this video early in the summer of James and his fancy dance. So if you are in Lake County and someone is doing the "fancy dance" it was James Keough who created the dance!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Time is flying
I can't believe how fast this month and particularly this week has gone. It has been nice to have life after baseball and t-ball. This week the boys (John and James) started practice for Willowick's Swim Show. They do a little dance in and out of the water. It is really neat when it all comes together. I'm hoping Patrick and Tommy will behave the night of the show as it is a LONG wait before it starts. I guess if the snacks keep coming there are no worries.
John is continuing to do well with swimming. His teacher told me on Tuesday that if he keeps swimming like he has in this level (a whole 1 1/2 weeks) he will move up again! As well as he is doing I think it won't be until next year. I think he has to swim half the pool without stopping and I don't think he has the endurance just yet.
Meanwhile in Level 1, James continues to entertain his teacher and the other lifeguards. I had his teacher ask James to do his "fancy dance" which they loved. Then on Tuesday out of nowhere he does an air guitar and sings "Life is a Highway" from Cars. They were rolling! Yesterday he was singing "Highway Patrol" which I'm sure they never heard of.
Today while we were at our weekly trip to Target, I bought the boys their bookbags for school. James was really excited and Patrick really wanted one. We picked up a few supplies. I'm in no rush - I would like to have James' list and take care of them both at the same time. I hope the zippers on the bags hold out. John's one zipper fell apart the 2nd week of school.
I don't know why but Patrick and Tommy enjoy to go around shirtless. Anytime John and James have their shirts off because of swimming they are looking to take theirs off as well. Once they do get them off they pound their belly's and squeal (Tommy is more of the squealer)
I was so bummed last night Tommy's fake crocs strap broke. I knew Target which is where I got them didn't have many left so I just took him to Payless hoping their "Summer Sale" was really good. Apparently that didn't apply to sandals yet. Oh well I hope this pair lasts through the next month. I'm also hoping no one else's sandals have a blow out.
We had a great time in Pennsylvania last week. We hiked a lot and the weather cooperated. This was the first time we had the EZ Pass for the PA turnpike. I hope Ohio goes to that system soon - it made traveling so much easier!
Thursday, July 9, 2009
The end is near
Baseball season is over and after tonight t-ball will be over too. I survived the roller coaster ride of two kids in two different leagues with games on the same night either at the same time or back to back. We have been going in sports since late March. John and James decided not to sign up for soccer this fall. I think John is a bit burned out and James wasn't putting in that much effort so it doesn't break my heart. I'm hoping John will want to sign up for basketball. From what I understand they practice and have the games on the same day so its not an all week thing.
We are at the half way point in swimming lessons. John has passed to the 2+ level which means he now can do a front and back float and I think he will start to learn how to do a stroke. James is still doing really good for being his first year. He seems to really enjoy himself. I thinking Patrick is getting the itch to be like the boys and get in the pool however he needs to be potty trained. Sometimes he tells me and sometimes not so much. I've learned not to be in a rush with potty training - I will just keep buying the pullups!
I'm looking forward to going on a mini-vacation to my parents at the end of next week. It will be nice to get away for awhile.
Lori took the boys to the pool this afternoon. They really enjoy it. I can't wait until we all can go! I know James is going to be tired. I let him take a mini nap until 5pm and then I will spend the half hour waking him up.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Rain go away!
Summer was cruising along and going well but the rain, pardon the pund, has put a real damper on things. I think because we are not getting out often the kids are getting on each others nerves - not to mention mine! They are generally touching each other way to much not to mention their short tempers lead to flying objects. Time outs are in full swing but I don't think that is doing much good. The stress of it all is going to my back. It has been getting worse so I finally went to the chiropractor this morning. I wasn't that far out of alignment but the electric current they put on my back massages it enough to start to relax the muscle. I feel so much better already. I'm going to go back on Monday so he can finish making sure its aligned. I know I don't always bend at the knees but I have been consciously trying to do that lately.
I'm hoping we get tonight's scheduled t-ball game in. We already have 2 rainout make ups next week and John has a season ending tournment game on Monday and if they win (which I don't think they will) they play on Wednesday. I'm hoping Tuesday stays open as I have a hair appointment scheduled. I don't need a major cut but a trim would really help - not to mention a little time away!
I'm looking forward to the 4th of July. I'm hoping for a relaxing day with the kids. It would be nice if we see fireworks with them but I'm not sure if I'm up for loading sleeping kids into the car to see them. I told the older two they can stay up late - we'll see how my patience is doing when its 8:30.
I can't believe the boys wanted to go to swim lessons yesterday and today with the chillier temps. I was ok with them missing but they said they wanted to go. Luckily the pool heater was on so it kept them comfortable until they got out! Today was worse than yesterday.
Ok - I'm off to motivate the children to clean up the basement and then we all get a reward!
Monday, June 22, 2009
Father's Day
I think we had a pretty successful Father's Day. I took pictures of the boys after I found an awesome 4 picture 4 x 6 frame that Matt could have for his office. I like that all the frames are 4 x 6. Now the only thing I need to remember is that 2 are horizontal and 2 are landscape. Trying to take "nice" pictures for this frame was a bit of a chore. Sometimes John smiles too much and it looks like his eyes are closed. James starts looking away from the camera and Patrick and Tommy didn't want to cooperate at all! This weekend we are going to take our annual "Kirsch Grand kids" photo. I'm hoping the boys might cooperate for Paul and I can get them together for a summer picture for my walls. John made Matt a Father's Day present at school. They glue gunned Popsicle sticks together to make a business card holder with golf tees on the outside. It was really cute. We went to Dudley Park in the morning so Matt could see how well Tommy is doing on the big kids toys. He even got to play catch with John. In the afternoon he got to use his new weed wacker and the saw attachment to the weed wacker. We had some branches on the Black Walnut tree really grow and it was starting to touch the house. After dinner we took a walk for some ice cream at CP's.
Here is a picture of my Dad with my Grandma when he was little. I think Patrick really looks like him.It's funny because I think Patrick acts like my Dad too. Patrick will do the craziest stuff and not even think twice about it - just like my Dad.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Swimming lessons have begun
This is the first week of lessons. We are at day 3 and I think James has had enough. I think he enjoys it but today it was cool before we even got in the pool and it was cool coming out of the pool on day 1 so I think that was enough to make him think he doesn't want to do it. He put his head under water on the first day and yesterday afternoon when Lori took him and John to the pool. I'm surprised that he doesn't like the games they play before they get out of the pool. Today he was refusing to do warm up exercises and I was trying to keep him in the area hoping one of the teachers that wasn't his would just take him form me but I had to wait for his teacher. John is doing well he is almost ready to pass the 2nd level. He just needs to relax and do the back float a little longer. Hopefully in a few weeks that will happen.
I had Patrick and Tommy in the backyard pool for the first time. They enjoyed it very much. Tommy kept squealing. He would get mad when he fell in the water but then would dump a bucket of water on his head. The water was cool. I filled the pool a little bit before we left for lessons in the hopes that it would warm up while we were gone. This is year 2 for the pool so its not holding the air so well.
I hope James starts to like the lessons - 2nd session will be tough - we are signed up for the 8:10 lesson instead of 9am so the potential for it to be cooler in the morning is greater. Yikes!
Saturday, June 13, 2009
A good ending
I finally got my wallet back. The person who found it sent it requesting signature confirmation. I missed the mailman so that was the first stop for me this morning on my grocery shopping run. It was nice to have it back. Now I just need to wait for the replacement cards and carry on. This is bad but not as bad as dropping my cell phone in water.
Yesterday we decided to upgrade our basic cable to digital cable. One of the kids favorite shows on Disney is making the move to PBS Sprout - which is only offered on the digital cable. We needed to get two digital boxes (one for each tv) the remotes and wires. We also get some channels in HD because we have HDTV's. I'm really enjoying how clear everything is. It is funny yesterday was the big "digital" day if you had reception over the air but it turned into a big digital day for us. Lots of channels galore and there are some kids shows that are free on demand so if there is "nothing on" we can choose something the kids like. Its almost like having a DVR but not having to pay $8.99 or something ridiculous like that.
I picked up John and James' soccer trophy's and pictures today. The pictures are cute and truly capture how the kids are.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
The Mall
This week has been a great week for the first week of summer. John and James are having a blast at Safety Town, we went to a Captains game which John got to yell "Play Ball" before the first pitch and the boys and I went to the mall because James has been dying to go to the Disney Store. We got to the mall and I made the kids eat lunch so we could then play, shop and go home. We did all that then Patrick claimed he needed to use the potty so I took him there - he didn't go but just about everyone else did. We got to the car and I got everyone loaded in, snacks and juice in hand go to reach in my pocket for my keys, found the keys but NO WALLET! I was frantically looking around the ground. I looked inside the bags of clothes and shoes we had bought nothing. So I loaded everyone back into the stroller and we were off to the races. The first stop was the bathroom - just because I figured that was the place it would drop. Then checked a play area outside of Sears - nothing, went back to Sears where I made my last purchase just in case I left it on the counter knowing I did not - NOPE. Back down the elevator and across the mall to the Customer Service to ask if anyone had turned it in - nope. I said ok time to go home - its lost. Talked with Matt and had him call the bank to cancel my card and told him what purchases I had made. I came home canceled my one and only major credit card I usually carry and found out what I needed to do to replace my drivers license. I then take a call from work and start to deal with that. During a break I log into facebook and I have a message in my inbox. It is from the lady who found it outside of the mall! She said everything - money included is still entact - THANK YOU GOD!! She is going to mail it to me - I offered to meet her to pick it up but she has baseball obiligations the next two days so in the mail it goes.
Back to earlier in the mall. I knew I needed Patrick's feet checked for the correct size because I noticed the tennis shoes he was wearing the seam at the toes were starting to split. I looked this morning to see if I had any other shoes - size 8 just hanging around - no just 8 1/2. I really couldn't tell where his big toe was but it seemed close at times and too big other times. Turns out the poor kid is a Size 9!
James is really enjoying Safety Town - I think he really enjoys being a big boy and doing fun things. Yesterday the Police came to visit and handed out badges. Today the Fire and Ambulance was there to give out fire hats. It is good stuff. I think I will wait for Tommy to be old enough so he can do it together with Patrick. You have to be between 4-6.
John had a great baseball game last night - he finally came out of his hitting slump and had 3 doubles. He was very excited each time he hit one as he was jumping up and down on 2nd base. He also got the game ball. Hopefully his hitting streak will continue. I think last night was the first game we won all year.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Doing better
My sister in law came on Friday to watch the Patrick and Tommy so I could take John and James to the dentist. She told me that I need to go to a doctor. So after I got everyone settled with lunch I headed to the local urgent care center - where you get healed but you wait for at least an hour. It turns out I did have strept and I got a prescription and am feeling 95% better. I'm still a little worn down but that is probably my fault for not resting as much as I should. I was going to go to bed after we got home from the Captains game but I stayed up a little longer to catch up with Matt. I did nap today while the boys napped.
I forgot to blog about something that happened earlier this week and Matt reminded me about it last night. John is at the neighbors birthday party right now. I was asking him if he knew anybody from the birthday boys kindergarten class as we were getting buckled up to go somewhere. He said yes - so-n-so. He is African American. James then exclaimed "so am I". John said no you are not. You are American. LOL!!
The Captains last night finished up a suspended game from Thursday and then had to play 2 7 inning games. By the time we got there, I think it was the 3rd or 4th inning of the 1st game of the double header. They got through the first game and then it rained! We had about an hour of baseball. I felt like I didn't get to see that much because there were so many people there that I wanted to make sure Patrick and Tommy weren't getting lost. James wanted popcorn and then the boys wanted to visit Mr. Deas in the radio booth. I think we will stick to weeknight / non fireworks games. Crowds are not for me.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Under the weather
The boys have had runny noses for about a week so naturally I get it. My throat has been killing me all week long. It was so bad the past two days I considered going to a doctor to see if I have strept. I have been taking Advil for my aching body and it has been helping. I went to bed around 8:30pm last night and could tell at different times I was "sweating it out". After breakfast I felt pretty good so I cleaned the bathroom and then we went outside. I cleaned up the maple keys in the backyard that went from being everywhere to being everywhere and soaking wet! The boys were helping somewhat and fighting at other times. Tommy and James took turns with a shovel and helped put the big wet pile in the yard waste pile. After awhile Patrick disappeared and the other boys followed to see what he was doing. When they didn't come back and I didn't hear fighting I knew they were watching TV. I took advantage of the peaceful moment and cleaned the gutter out on the garage. It is amazing how much dirt and stench accumulates in such a small space. The boys then wanted to play upstairs. I decided what the heck I can start getting out the winter clothes from the drawers and put in the summer clothes. That part worked well but all the books from the bookshelf were everywhere. At lunch instead of giving the boys just regular apples I coated them with cinnamon and sugar and baked them for about 10 minutes. I told them it was like eating apple pie. They seemed to enjoy it. The back porch could use a good vacuuming. Maybe in a few minutes. Lots of dirt has been tracked in.
This afternoon while I was working I heard James doing something that didn't sound like playing little Legos - I looked and he was unrolling a roll of paper towels we have in the basement in case we have an accident. He will be very good at TPing someone's house. I was able to retrieve and re-roll the paper towels. I have been wearing a tank top all day because of the hot and humid conditions. It was about 2pm when James asked me why I was wearing this shirt? I said I'm hot he said "me too" I told him he could take off his shirt so he did then he asked me if I could put it in the dishwasher because its really dirty from playing outside. Its not the first time he has referred to the washer as the dishwasher - I have yet to correct him - I think its too cute!
John was to have baseball but I'm sure that is cancelled. We skipped the soccer banquet last night. They wanted $11 per person for non soccer players. Turns out it was a good move on our part. From what I heard they didn't eat until 7:30 (banquet started at 6:30) and it was highly unorganized. I felt bad of jipping James from an award ceremony but he will have one with T-ball. Speaking of T-ball James' coach delivered his uniform yesterday. He was so excited he wore it the rest of the afternoon and evening. I have to remember that he is small that John but I don't want him stuck with a t-shirt that is super tight either. Its hard to believe nap time is almost over. I hope this evening the kids are entertained enough without going outside. I don't feel like yelling and getting everyone muddy.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
A wonderful holiday weekend
We went to visit my parents in Pennsylvania. The boys were fantastic in the car. We timed it up so we traveled during nap time. I don't know why but I still cringe when I think of taking another trip. I guess I'm nervous my luck my run out or maybe I'm having flashbacks when John cried, fussed and screamed from Mantua to Willowick. I think all the boys enjoyed themselves. James is emerging as a little boy. He was like hey I know where I am and how to get to the big ship! John wanted to play baseball and cards most of the time. James caught two fish and enjoyed being in the woods. Patrick loved the game of climbing into the crib that Tommy slept in. Tommy did not want to be carried that much - he wanted to walk alot. It was the most fun I had since the boys were born because we got to do a lot of stuff as a family. My mom had John James and Patrick all in the same bed. They seemed not to mind despite sleeping in their own bed when they are at home.
I can't get over how much Tommy is starting to talk. On John's opening day he said baseball. He now asks for milk, snack and juice! His laugh is exactly like Patrick's which scares the hell out of me. I think they will be getting into trouble when they get older. Oh I can feel the gray hairs pushing through!
Only 7 more days of school left. I think I'm looking forward to a new schedule. Hopefully we will have a good summer.
Friday, May 15, 2009
The party begins
today for James' birthday! John is feeling better so we were able to get out of the house this morning! That meant a trip to Target! I let James open up his birthday card from my parents knowing they gave him a gift card for Target. He got a Tonka PODS Truck thing that you can put water in it and play with the plastic trucks. He has been wanting that ever since Nick Jr ran an ad for it. I let him play with outside while John was in school. He asked for more water in the squirt gun that came with it. I was being lazy and grabbed a bottled water. Well little did I know Mr. James came in and grabbed another 3 bottles and opened them up to fill up his toy. I let him know he better ask for more water next time. I also might just fill up a watering can full for him to use.
I finished the cake this morning. It is a bit of a train wreck but I'm sure will be tasty. I got the baseball figures on it so I think James is happy.
Tomorrow will be super busy - John has pictures and a baseball game at 10 and James has soccer at 11:00. Matt has a dentist appt at 12:20. Hope we can squeeze that all in although it is supposed to rain so things might not be that complicated.
I filled out the paperwork for James' preschool this week. I had to find his baptism certificate. I found the sheet Matt was using to keep track of my "back pain" I was experiencing in the middle of the night on May 16/17th. I'll never forget how happy I was glad he was born and that the back pain was over with!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Best Mother's Day Yet!
I had a wonderful Mother's Day weekend. Our neighbors called early Saturday afternoon and offered us 2 Indians tickets for Matt and John to go to the game. We accepted. Later Matt came to me and said why don't you go? I said oh alright. I wasn't sure about going because the weather was wet and on the cool side. I packed up a bunch of warm clothes for us to wear. We didn't tell John until I was just about ready to leave. He was super excited. We had the best time. We kept score and stayed until the top of the 8th inning. I know I shouldn't be but I was shocked at the prices of drinks and food there. We bought a $5 Gatorade which we enjoyed greatly. Since John hasn't had any pop this was great.
On Sunday I got McDonald's for Matt and I for breakfast. At nap time I worked with John and James at catching and throwing the ball. John was doing really great at throwing and wasn't bad at catching although he was very nervous about getting one in the eye. James did good for a little guy. He would have issues throwing it straight when he had a big wind up. James had t-ball practice in the evening. The coach had roses for each of the players to give to their moms. It was really sweet.
We have been running so much and I've been staying up later than normal because of the Cavs and its finally catching up with us. My patience is on a low level and now I know why - I have a cold. It started yesterday as a scratchy throat that just didn't go away. John woke up fevered - I don't know the exact number because I couldn't find the thermometer but I knew he was warm and he was up super early. After he had some Tylenol he went back to sleep. His appetite is a little off too. I gave him some Motrin around noon to help with his headache and achy body. I hope this cold goes away as fast as it came. James is finishing up antibiotics for his stye so hopefully that will keep him from getting it. Tommy is still teething so I expect him to get it. I'm not sure about Patrick. So today was dealt with how to entertain everyone when we can't go anywhere. We did a craft project which the boys helped a little but I did most of the work. I then found some balloons and blew them up. That is fun except Tommy is trying to bite it.
Funny story - that happened to Matt and not me. John was talking about Babe Ruth. He is in the Backyard Baseball game and that is all John ever plays now. Matt said John you know he is Catholic. John was suprised. He then went on to tell Matt how he is not Catholic anymore. He explained last year he went to St. Mary Magdalene but now he goes to Royalview.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Oh the fun I have
Yesterday was a great day with the kids. We worked on a little craft project for Mother's Day for Matt's mom and had a blast playing outside. It was fun and hectic in the afternoon getting through dinner, watching LBJ accept his MVP award and then getting dressed for soccer and taking John to baseball practice. John had a great scrimmage offensively. He had a double and an infield single. Defensively he forgot a few things when playing shortstop and third base but he had a great time. The soccer game was pretty good. John scored 2 goals and James showed up. On Sunday a stye started forming on James right eye again. So between that hurting when he blinks and being sleepy because the game started at 7pm he wandered on the field until the ball would almost hit him and then he would kick it. One time he wasn't paying attention when they were throwing the ball in and he got hit in the eye - the one that has the stye.
Today I decided to take him to the doctors. The good news is we got an antibiotic. The doctor suggested if he continues to get them to take him to the eye doctor. He said it could be like a blocked tear duct that might need opened. Problem is I can't remember which eye he has been getting them in. So then we dropped off his prescription and I found out that Tommy was napping. So we stopped at home so I could get Patrick and Tommy's milk cups. We then went to the school so I could vote then off to Wendy's for lunch. I was brave enough to have everyone eat in the restaurant instead of getting it to go. Lunch went well until I realized the helpful Patrick throwing everything else decided to include his sippy cup. I have more cups so I wasn't about to fish it out. We came home and then went outside. That is when I pulled out the receipt from the post office. We mailed my mom's mother's day card / package. I saw on the receipt the zip code was for my Grandmother's town and not my mom's. Luckily I was able to call the post office and get it corrected. We played outside until nap time. Patrick was disappointed he didn't get to watch his shows but they had fun.
Yesterday's good news was I got my resume up to date so when I go back out in the workforce I'm good to go. I talked with the company Pfizer set me up with for over an hour on my cell phone. I then checked to see how close I was to using up my minutes - not very close but I'm over on my text messages. I told Matt text messages are cheaper than cell phone minutes. I know why I went over - I signed up for Cavs notices and they were texting me a ton of times so I stopped that.
I'm pretty beat. I hope we don't have the make up soccer game - the coach was unsure and was to call us. Its 3:23pm - no call yet. Got to love the unorganized.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
The kids are redecorating
This week has been filled with crayons coloring my walls and wall paper border being ripped off the wall. If that doesn't make you want to scream when Tommy is excited he screams and it is so piercing. Ahhhh!
We are about to enter a busy busy week. We have some sort of sport activity every night unless rain cancels it.
Being team mom pays off. Last night at the Reverse Raffle I won the basket I put together for the team! We had a really good time. It was a new experience as I never went to one of those before. Its like going to big lottery scratch off party when they are calling the numbers.
Tommy is in the mix of everything. He is really climbing furniture and if he can't do it he sure tries too. He is climbing up on the chairs in the kitchen so food left on the table is no longer safe. I'm sure if I left my cooked pizza crusts he would bite into those like Patrick did.
John is totally addicted to Wii and backyard baseball. His teacher has been having the class write a sentence and draw a picture almost weekly. 2 out of the last 3 weeks have been about Wii. Good thing the kid works up a sweat when he plays!
In our weekly trip to Target we also had our trip to the bathroom. Patrick instigated this trip. James then decided he had to go too. James is in one stall and I'm in the other with Patrick. James ends up locking himself in the stall and crawls out underneath. Luckily I got the door unlocked with my key.
James had a fun week with unlocking and locking doors. Besides Target, he unlocked my front screen door when the other boys and I were in the backyard playing and ran around to the back. Then yesterday he shut our big back door on the porch and locked it. Luckily we have a spare key hidden on the porch.
Friday, April 24, 2009
We made it to Friday!
Well this was a pretty good week. The kids were good at times and they were kids at times.
The Pokemon Mystery-
One of John's friends gave him Pokemon cards awhile ago. Then this week another friend and John traded Pokemon cards. Well on Tuesday I was looking at them and then my sister in law came to watch the kids so I could go to the dentist. The next day John was looking for his cards. I plead ignorant and say I don't know what you did with him. We looked all week but couldn't find them. Fast forward to today - laundry day. The wash just finished the permanent press clothes and I found the Pokemon cards. Apparently I put them in my jeans pocket for safe keeping. Oops. The funny thing was I was feeling kind of guilty about not finding them but then I saw they cost $3.99 a pack at Target! It is $15 a case - which I think is a way better deal but I was thinking there was no way I was going to buy them just because. Now I might have to purchase a case and hide some of the packets and give them out as rewards.
Team Mom -
For some reason I felt guilty and sorry for the coach that no one had stepped up to be team mom for John's baseball team so I volunteered. I also came up with the idea of the teams basket for the raffle. I thought we could take advantage of the Lake County Captains 4 for $44 ticket deal and this year you can purchase parking in the gold lot right outside the stadium. The coach loved the idea. I have a connection is the Captains that could get me the tickets for free if I write a note. Now my dilemma is do I get the free tickets and then use the money for Captains cash to spend at the game or just get the $5 per family and buy the tickets and parking. I'm still thinking.
James was player of the game at soccer last night! He was so cute when the coach announced it was him he put his fist in his air and waved it a little. It was so cute! I wish I could have got a picture of it. The coach forgot the certificate but hopefully he will remember on Saturday at our next game.
John was warming up playing catch with the head coach's son. Apparently a ball went off of John's glove and it hit him in the eye. I wasn't watching at this point and was like oh dear. My sister and another mom said they would watch the boys so I could check on John. I was a little afraid because I don't want to be overprotective - like if you kid is on the football field and takes a big hit. I reluctantly went on the field but me just talking to him helped calm him down. He then was a little gun shy about any ball thrown or coming towards him. I told him its ok its part of the game. Right now his eye isn't too bruised when you look at it but he says and I believe him that it hurts if he squints to hard.
Ok I just wrote the letter and emailed it to my friend with the Captains. I think I will just give everyone's money back, put $5 in the basket for parking and then I'm only out $7.30 for the basket and ribbon. I know it may help a lot of families who's budget is tight like ours. Speaking of the basket - Pat Catan's was the last stop on our tour of errands this morning. So I found a cute little red, white and blue basket, styrofoam filler, a special made baseball ribbon to tie on the basket and plastic thingys to hold the tickets. So there was a line about 3 or 4 people and I was going to be last in line when the one worker said I can take the next person in line. I hurriedly made James move so I could turn the stroller around and get to the service counter. There was another lady coming over too as she was just ahead of me in the other line. She was a bit shocked that I went in front of her - she even said "that lady cut in front of me". I said a prayer of thanks for her letting me cut in line. I had to get out of that store I was waiting for James to say "I have to pee" and Patrick was already saying that. It was almost 10:30 and we needed to get home to get lunch on the table. For the record she was older (senior citizen) and I'm thinking she didn't have a tight schedule like me.
Poor Tommy fell while we were waiting for the bus. At first when he fell I thought he scraped his knee a bit. So I was comforting him and he continued to cry on my shoulder. Then I pulled him back and realized he was bleeding from his nose. After I got that all cleaned up he looks like he lost a boxing match. His nose is scratched up and so is his upper lip.
Ok the Pokemon free laundry is done in the dryer - time to skiddaddle!
Monday, April 20, 2009
The week begins
Today is the first day of what I'm sure at times will feel like a long week. Matt is out of town on business. The good news is that tomorrow I will have a little break as I have to sign John and James up for swimming lessons and in the evening I have a dentist appointment so I have help at those times. I think Wednesday we will get tickets for the Captains game on Friday. I would do it tomorrow but I lost James' Lil Skipper club card and they are mailing me another one so I'm guessing I'll get it in tomorrow's mail. Thursday will be quite interesting - John has baseball practice at 5:30 and then he and James have a soccer game at 7pm. I'm hoping a milk jug will work in the van as a urine collector should James have to go potty at the baseball practice. I have a little potty but this could be less messy. It was suggested that I use an Aunt Jemima bottle but I don't have an empty one of those yet.
I have the kids fed and bathed. Now we have to wait for 7pm - I have to drop off raffle tickets for the baseball league. They are looking for a "team mom" for our baseball team. I'm sure I could do it but they are having a cookie dough sale and a Chinese auction basket each team has to provide for a fundraising event. I'm nervous that I would have to pick up everyone's dough and with the kids that is tough especially if Matt has to go out of town again. I'm not looking forward to hauling the kids out just so we can drop off 5 tickets and money.
The kids are watching Sandlot. The kids in the movie swear here and there. We just watched the one part where the kids says "Oh shit". Luckily John says "Oh shoot" when repeating this line.
At church this weekend James let one rip to which he exclaimed "that's my gas!" He was not whispering this announcement either. I thought it was hilarious.
Tommy is mad at me because I took a crayon away from him. Patrick has really enjoyed coloring lately. I think it has to do with James' class we go to on Wednesdays. Tommy doesn't mind coloring either but he also like to teeth on it as well.
Matt recently found out our local pizza joint is on Twitter. They have specials that they announce or twitter. I have been on the fence about joining Twitter because I really don't have the need but now I'm interested in seeing what their deals are.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Easter Fun!
We had a great Easter. Late Thursday morning my parents arrived. I was so tired that I was hoping they were coming earlier in the morning when they did. I survived the morning by taking the kids to Target and doing everything possible to keep theirs and my mind off our company's arrival. It was such a nice day on Thursday everyone went to Paige's soccer game. All the kids had fun. Matt and I were able to sneak away after the game to go sign our taxes which is right up the street from the soccer field. Friday my mom and I did my grocery shopping for the week. It was busy and going ok - then we ran into a lady she used to work with at the Library and talked for over a half an hour. By the time we got to Aldi's it was super busy. We colored eggs before lunch. I should have used the vinegar/water combo but I really can't stand the smell and I didn't want Patrick to drink it like John did his first year of coloring eggs. Needless to say the egg color look just alright using water only. After lunch my mom and I headed back out to BJ's so I could get the month supply of diaper needs. After nap time it was the Indians Home Opener! My parents went to Good Friday Services then over to my sisters. We ordered pizza. Nothing like being regulars where they are probably punching in my order before I have even finished telling them what I want. I placed my order and then received a call back from the girl who took my order. She said the guys in the kitchen say you usually want your order for 5:30. I said yes that is true but today I do not have to go to church. Matt thought that was funny but made me feel embarrassed at the same time. Maybe I should start having him call in the order. After dinner and baths I had the kids put stickers on the eggs to make them a little prettier. It didn't help much! On Saturday morning we went over to my sisters for an Easter Egg hunt and brunch. The kids had a really good time despite the cold. James enjoyed being one of the "big" kids as he was allowed to be in Cater's room and play with the "little legos". We came home and napped and prepared for our Easter feast. It was basically heat and serve so it was pretty low key. Everyone seemed to have their fill. The boys then enjoyed Grandma giving them a bath. Easter morning came and it worked out that John James and Patrick came downstairs at the same time. We were able to have them all use the bathroom and enter the kitchen together. They enjoyed the toys and candy that the Easter Bunny left. Church was long - we arrived around 9 (it was 9:30 mass) so we could get a seat and then by the time we got in the car it was 10:40! We stopped by Grandma and Grandpa Keough's to have a quick visit. It turned out quicker than we thought because the kids were antsy about getting home and getting more sugar and I was thinking lunch. My parents came home from Lori's left just before 1pm. Then I spent the afternoon relaxing, getting the boys sheets changed and everything back to normal.
I'm trying to keep Spring Break fun and exciting. Hopefully the weather weather will cooperate. Today we had to take Patrick to the doctors. He has had a stye for a few days and when I looked at it this morning it looked like it was turning into a pimple like James had. When I pulled back his bottom eyelid I saw something black on the other side of his stye. The doctor said it was probably a blood blister that formed from Patrick rubbing his eyes. He gave me a prescription for eyedrops. We dropped the prescription off and headed to the mall. We did our normal play, shop, eat, play routine. On the way home James said he had to go to the bathroom. I was going to take them before we went home but I was ready to leave. I used my extra potty chair that I have in the trunk of the van and lined it with old diapers so he could go. He did his business in the back of Walgreens parking lot in the van. We picked up our prescription and home we came! The best part was the garbage truck hadn't come to our house yet so I was able to ditch the very wet diapers in the trash can.
Tomorrow I might go to the zoo or the Farmpark - we will have to see. Wednesday James has school at 10am so we'll have to figure something out for before and after. Thursday my friend from high school is coming over with her childeren. She has a son who is 4 and a daughter who is 4 months old. She is going to have her 3rd child near the end of November. On Friday - the best weather day of the week I'm not sure what we'll do. I have to meet my virtual boss at 1pm in Mayfield so we are kind of limited to staying close to home. It would be neat if we could go to our first Captains game on Wednesday night - if only the weather will cooperate.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
John's Birthday (and the mystery party)
I think John had a good day today. We started the celebration last night with cake in case John and James had a soccer game but the weather was bad enough that it was canceled. John was cute last night letting me know where to put all the presents like it was Christmas or something. He also was telling me how early he was going to wake up. I highly encouraged him to sleep in so he could have an enjoyable day without being too tired. James and Tommy were up at 5:30 and John soon there after. John was very happy about his Wii game, Backyard Baseball. He let me play it - I guess so he could see how you play it. I was awful and he caught on very quickly with the help of a few pointers from me reading the manual.
Tonight we had more cake and he wanted to play more of the Wii game. So I sent the kids down with Matt so I could clean up all the cake crumbs. Tommy was having separation issues so after I vacuumed I took a quick shower. While I was in there the boy down the street knocked on the door with his mother asking what time she should pick him up. Apparently John was talking about celebrating his birthday today while at the bus stop and this is where it gets gray - either John invited him over at 7 or the kid invited himself over - which he has done before. The other boy who waits for the bus didn't come over so who the heck knows what happened. The boy brought John a gift. I feel so bad the mother went out to get him a gift. I called to apologize for the misunderstanding. She said she was surprised that I didn't say anything to her but thought maybe now the kids are getting older that John wanted to do the inviting. I told her if we are having a party we would be sure to send out invitations. We instructed John if anyone asks if he is having a party it is ok to say with my family or I have to ask my mom. This is when my saying comes in "sometimes you just have to laugh" although its tough because I'm embarrassed.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Birthday fun
We had a lot of fun for my birthday last week. The homemade ice cream cake was very delicious and the Outdoor Challenge game for Wii is a lot of fun. It is a great form of exercise if only I find time to do it once a day I could actually start dropping some weight!
Matt was really sick last weekend. The boys cold at the beginning of the month caught up with him. Now he is feeling better and the boys are sneezing and coughing (not covering their mouths) once again. We still managed to get outside last week when the weather was nice (and not so nice for soccer practice). I had the boys playing in the backyard as the ground was pretty dry. James made a comment that it felt like we were playing in our very own park!
I have been recording Ace of Cakes on Thursday nights. The boys and I have really enjoyed watching that show. Now that John's birthday is around the corner the kid has a big imagination as to what he wants his cake to look like thanks to the show. He decided he wants a baseball themed cake (he has this every year and I think its cute). Today he was telling me how the cake needs to have a scoreboard. I made him sit down and draw what he thought this cake might look like - hoping he would not include stands for the fans. Luckily it did not. I found a new fondant recipe online and was thinking about using it but I am not sure if I can find all the ingredients in the regular grocery store because it is not everyday that I look for unflavored gelatin mix. I think I'm up for this challenge and then I think - when in the heck am I going to work on this? I'm also wondering when we are going to cut into the cake. John and James have their first soccer game on his birthday. Game time is at 6pm. Normally we would celebrate that evening but I'm thinking we will have to sing and eat cake on Monday because they also have a game on Wednesday. I hate to wait until Thursday or Friday until my parents (who may or may not be coming for Easter) arrive. He will definitely get his present on his birthday. I'm sure this will new Wii baseball game will be really fun after Matt plays it a few times and shows him how it works. Lucky for me James wants to have a Wiggles themed cake - just like last year. I'm going to have to think of something new for him and within my skill level!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
So Patrick thinks a new Irish saying should be Patrick Go Naked as he kept taking off his clothes and pull up this morning. Finally I put a diaper on him after he used the bathroom and that seemed to keep things a little less naked. I took the boys out to by ANOTHER cheap frame from Marcs so I could use the glass for an existing frame on my wall. The boys have now broke it twice. I bought two frames in case this happens again. We also picked up some doughnuts to have for our St. Patrick's Day party and then goofy pictures followed - the kind that makes my husband cringe. I'm sorry I don't have girls so I have to make the boys handsome and cute as I can while they are little. Check them out -
Who is Bugs Bunny? That is the question from John when I told him he was in the Cleveland St. Patrick's Day parade. Bugs isn't on Disney so I guess that is a fair question. It just makes me feel OLD.
We just got John off the bus a few minutes ago and the weather is pleasantly warm. Even before school it was still a bit chilly. I'm excited that I planned on cooking out on the grill tonight. I'm sure I will be anxious for the boys to go to bed so I can have a Guinness.
Friday, March 13, 2009
John has a lot on his mind
Lately John has been talking about death a lot. I'm not sure if Lent has something to do with it or not. He wants to know if you have to brush your teeth in heaven. He wants to know who I'm going to speak with when I get there. Apparently John Quincy Adams and Abraham Lincoln are high on his list. He sometimes says he wants to go there to find out. I told him I hope he doesn't because I want him to have a long and wonderful life.
John also asked me this evening if I liked the house we live in. I said yes don't you? He said no. I said what is your problem with it? He said its not like a Japan House. Not sure what that means or where that came from. I think this is where the comment came in "I'm losing my mind - it is so tired". No kidding you are overthinking things way to much!
The kids had cabin fever bad enough that they asked me to go outside after dinner. Apparently John didn't have today's weather by the hour memorized because he didn't say anything about it being cold until we went outside. We lasted maybe 10 minutes. John and James got a few swings in, Patrick had a few laps around the driveway, and Tommy walked around the driveway and backyard. What was nice about today was there wasn't that much mud so if the kids did go in the yard it wasn't much of a problem.
Oh - and the most funniest thing this week happened yesterday. I sent John and James to use the bathroom - I forget why but they both did as I asked. I got distracted by Patrick and Thomas and after a few minutes I'm thinking how long does it take two boys to relieve themselves standing up? Well John decided he had other business to attend to and James decided to stay and keep him company. I found them both reviewing the latest Target toy catalog that came in the mail. A few times I got lucky this week and Patrick pooped in the potty.
I'm hoping Tommy doesn't pick up every bad habit that Patrick shows him. Patrick likes to stand on toys so he can plant himself right in front of the TV in our living room. Tommy has quickly learned this trick. Patrick likes to wake up early (I'm talking 5:30am) Tommy for the past two days has been up between 5:35 and 5:45 - way too early for him. Yesterday I took the kids to the store so he could have about a 5 minute nap in the car. Today he started his nap around 12:30. He would have gone to 4pm but Patrick again woke him up.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Am I old?
Well on Saturday I was purchasing adult beverages for Matt and I at Giant Eagle. I was happy when the clerk asked to see my I.D. I even thanked her - which made her laugh. Today John was rambling on about basketball and saying that I need to show Dad how to play basketball because he never played when he was younger and that I used to play "back in the old days". I guess that means I'm coming of age like a fine wine that I can now talk about "back in the old days".
Matt and I have the kids colds and Patrick is sneezing a lot. Tommy seems to be much better which is good. I don't have much of a voice so the kids are choosing to ignore me when I ask them to do something or am telling them to stop.
I wish John would stop being petty about certain things - like who is first on the bus or off the bus. Today I made him and the neighbor boy stand on the porch until the bus was coming around the corner because it was raining. When they confirmed with me the bus was coming they both took off and John was using elbows. He was first on the bus. After school he got off the bus, crossed the street and started to cry because he wanted to be first. I told him everyone has to take turns at being first. I can't wait to talk about this with him when it is "back in the old days" for him!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
James' First Day of School (sort of)
Well James had a great first day of school. He is in a class with two other girls. The girls are daughters of friends from high school. I was hoping the class would let James be more independent but the teacher didn't have a problem with my clan being in there. She even let them participate. Of course John enjoyed it and I think Patrick did too. James really had a good time. They colored a picture, did an art project, then talked about patterns, colors and counting, and had a matching game. The teacher had planned a story as well but they ran out of time. All that school wore Tommy out. He was out on the way home. After I got him out of his coat and shoes off I put him in the high chair because I was getting lunch together - he still was sleeping! After I wrestled Patrick into the house I decided that the boy could no longer nap because that would screw up my work time. I'm glad I pre-planned lunch and had it ready to go. Sometimes getting everyone from the car to the house and into the house can be a challenge. At least it is only once a week. I think I will sign James up for April and May. Hopefully the other girls will be in the class so there is enough to hold the class. I think they have to have 2 kids to hold the class. Patrick isn't old enough - he needs to be 2 1/2. Hopefully as the weather warms up we can pack a lunch and eat at the park and either come home or drop John off at school.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
And back to the doctors we go!
So last Thursday night Tommy starts having a nice little cough. Still coughing Friday. Saturday his left eye on the bottom lid looks a little red, still coughing and during church he gets a fever. Sunday, still fevered, eye lid still a little tender but now his sneezes are more and plenty of wiping going on with each sneeze. Yesterday his eye lid is still red, nose still running. I was going to make an appointment but it didn't look that terrible. I thought is was related to the cold and the doctor would tell me that and that was that. Yesterday afternoon and last night he had trouble sleeping. When we was up in the middle of the night the area right below is eye was puffy. This morning still puffy. He looked like he was in the losing end of a fight. I made him a appointment thinking blocked duct, eye infection - who knows what else. The doctor said it was related to the cold - to put a cold compress on it (as he allows me too) and he gave me a prescription for amoxicillin. He didn't want whatever was going on to turn into cellulitis. I guess if Tommy gets that he would have to go to the hospital to be hooked up to an IV for treatment. That little fellow has been through enough that I'm glad we are going this route. The doctor was not comfortable with just leaving it go without anything even though he thinks it would go away on its own. I took all the boys with me to the doctors. We were lucky to have a great parking spot and Tommy sleep on the way to and from the office. I told the boys (especially James) that I would buy them lunch if they behaved and didn't mention they had something wrong with their tongue. I don't know why but James prays that his tongue feels better every night. James brings this up and John chimes in too. I said this is not the appointment to bring this up. They didn't and we had a great lunch from Wendy's. I was brave enough not even to use a stroller. I brought the umbrella stroller for Tommy but was thinking why bother - once we get into the doctors office he would be out of it. The main key was to hold onto Patrick's hand in the parking lot. He was good about holding John's until I got Tommy out of the car.
Patrick is potty training very well. Unfortunately he is a PITA about it some of the time. Every time I want one of the older boys to go he chimes in that he has to go. Then when I say its your turn he is no where to be found. He was on the potty this morning and John said he had to go. I said let me get Patrick off first then I realized he was pooping in the potty. That was great until I'm putting on his pull up and he tells me he has to pee. I will be relieved when all the boys are trained and no one is afraid to go to the basement to take care of business.
Tomorrow James is going to a "snapshot of preschool" class that is offered by our city. It meets once a week for an hour for the month. I hope he goes into class without much incident and likes it. I just don't want to have to sit there with the other boys. I'm hoping we can walk around the gym with the Senior Citizens. I think it will be too cold to walk outside around the park and I don't really want to leave James in case he does have a problem (like to go to the library down the street). James think he will talk about Dr. Seuss. John's class has been talking about it because it was Dr. Seuss' birthday on Monday.
John had his class picture today. I'm curious to see how many kids were looking at the camera and what goofy expressions they had on their face that they may regret someday.
Tonight I'm going to John's baseball meeting. I guess they are big into fundraising since the mayor didn't allow the leagues to raise the prices. I hope its not a waste of my time. Matt is going to his 25th reunion planning meeting tomorrow. I hope he enjoys himself.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
My last 1 year check up
How sad but how nice too. It was an annual event for a while. Tommy is doing great. He is 22lbs 1oz and is 30 inches long. He is 75% for height but he didn't gain much weight from the last time - I don't think it was even a pound. I'm sure this is because he is moving around a lot more. He was very cooperative at first but then decided he didn't want to be held down to long. I think the doctor was very impressed that he was off the bottle shortly after his 9 month check up. He is a believer the sooner you get rid of the bottle and pacifier the better it is on everyone. They looked over his hands but everything was fine. So I have to make his next appointment which is 15 months. I usually make them before I leave the office but the secretary said her computer crashed so I will have to call in the next day or two. It would be really great to get John and James in at the same time for their yearly checkups. Tommy will be the only one getting shots so that shouldn't be too hard. Patrick, I'm sure will be disappointed it won't be his turn. Also in the good news department - Tommy can have 2% milk. That is great because it costs less than whole milk and now I don't have to worry about when Patrick drinks his milk when I forget to put it out of reach.
We got outside a little last night and this morning waiting for John's bus. It was chilly last night and unfortunately Tommy doesn't like to keep his gloves on so his little hands were freezing. Today Patrick found some mud and got it on his coat. I don't think he ate it this time. I was smart to have him and James in boots for that reason.
This afternoon the Indians open up their Spring Training games. I wonder if John will play that over Wii. He might play Wii for awhile but then switch over - hard to say.
Last night James didn't hear my reminder to grab a night time diaper and went to bed with big boy underwear on. When he came down this morning he was complaining his pants were wet but I didn't feel anything. I asked if he had to go the bathroom and he said yes - Daddy I need your help. So this is when Matt discovered he went to bed with his underwear and it was just slightly wet. Boy it would be really cool if that was the norm. I would love to not have to buy the night time diapers - especially if Patrick will be needing them soon too.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
The latest
We had a bit of the flu bug in our house. John and James had started coughing late last week and they developed fevers. James had his on Saturday and John on Sunday. I kept John home yesterday just to make sure his fever was gone and because it was so called I didn't want to send him out - he still has a cough. He could have went yesterday, but I think he enjoyed staying home more.
I got the boys signed up for baseball, tball and James wanted to play soccer. I'm surprised that James came around but I'm glad he did. I think he will have a big summer blossoming into a little boy. I was thinking this morning I haven't worked at all with him on writing letters. I probably should start to make the effort. I'm starting to practice with Patrick counting to 10 and his alphabet. I think he hears it so much from the Wiggles and Sesame Street that he might know it even though he doesn't annunciate. You can throw James in that category too. He mumbles are address really fast and I make him slow down and say it loud and proud!
I was surfing around this afternoon and WKYC had a poll question - would you give up Facebook for Lent? I don't think I could - like I told Matt that would be like giving up caffiene - a major sacrifice. I think Facebook is the reason I'm still sane this late in the Winter. I have an outlet to see what other people are doing or saying and have a means to interact. I don't normally do it too much when the kids are awake.
I got the official notice from my boss at Pfizer that I won't be retained and will be eligible for a severance package. He told me had I chosen to come back full time I would have been retained. That is certainly nice to hear. I really enjoyed working for that company. It was crazy at times but it was a lot of fun. I think that is the only company I can recall working for that I can say that. CRT was a great company but when I moved to customer service it became a thankless job. The owners of CRT were fabulous but the job was very hard more times than not.
I'm taking Tommy for his one year check up tomorrow. It was supposed to be on Monday but the doctor had to change it. I'm glad because it was super cold on Monday. He is such a pleasant little fellow. He likes to climb up on low to the ground objects or stand on things like Patrick. He does well at taking papers off the table that holds our TV in the living room upstairs. He was up at 5:45 this morning and made it to just before 1pm when I laid him down. In fact he was quite disappointed when we headed towards his room. Apparently he was having fun with Patrick. I had the front door opened waiting for my brother in law to bring over a dresser. I had a beach towel laid out on the floor. They were running all over it knocking into each other and laughing.
It will be a "Cars" Easter at our house this year. Marcs brought in some new toys into their close-out area. I was very happy to see that. They had Cars sandbox toys so I bought the 4 they had. I also got the 3 older boys some Cars cars before they were sold out at Marcs. I also found Cars pajamas and sticker books for John James and Patrick at Aldi's. Tommy will get a Wiggles DVD. I'm thinking instead of giving them a lot of candy which I never really have is to give them Cars jelly treats instead. They eat those things like they are going out of style. That should fill up the baskets plenty!
I ordered Tommy's year of pictures from Shutterfly. So when they arrive I will be working on his scrapbook. I purchased a prepaid plan for $60 or 10 cents a picture. I still have 80 left. I'm not sure what I will use them for but I'm sure something will come up.