Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Swimming lessons have begun

This is the first week of lessons. We are at day 3 and I think James has had enough. I think he enjoys it but today it was cool before we even got in the pool and it was cool coming out of the pool on day 1 so I think that was enough to make him think he doesn't want to do it. He put his head under water on the first day and yesterday afternoon when Lori took him and John to the pool. I'm surprised that he doesn't like the games they play before they get out of the pool. Today he was refusing to do warm up exercises and I was trying to keep him in the area hoping one of the teachers that wasn't his would just take him form me but I had to wait for his teacher. John is doing well he is almost ready to pass the 2nd level. He just needs to relax and do the back float a little longer. Hopefully in a few weeks that will happen.

I had Patrick and Tommy in the backyard pool for the first time. They enjoyed it very much. Tommy kept squealing. He would get mad when he fell in the water but then would dump a bucket of water on his head. The water was cool. I filled the pool a little bit before we left for lessons in the hopes that it would warm up while we were gone. This is year 2 for the pool so its not holding the air so well.

I hope James starts to like the lessons - 2nd session will be tough - we are signed up for the 8:10 lesson instead of 9am so the potential for it to be cooler in the morning is greater. Yikes!

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