Tuesday, August 11, 2009


So far both boys have really enjoyed Bible School. I also have enjoyed spending 3 hours with just Patrick and Tommy. It is so much easier to get two kids dressed for the splash park than 4. I also have enjoyed hearing what they learned each day. Yesterday when I asked James what was the snack - he said - Jesus Christ. I said no what did you eat? Apparently it was some graham cracker thing that maybe was the stable because they talked about Jesus' birth. James really likes the concept of school and I think he thinks of himself as a big boy. I think going to preschool might be easy for him. Both boys are cute singing the songs from the Bible School CD they got yesterday. The tunes are catchy.

Yesterday James used the bathroom and then put his pants on backwards. I didn't notice until we were in the driveway. So when he told me he had to go again I reminded him to change his pants back to the right way. He then told me "I was just crazy!" Then today at lunch he told me he showed everyone his Star Wars underwear. I said did you just pull your pants down or was this during your bathroom break. Luckily it was the latter. I later talked to him about how it might be unacceptable to do that. He replied can I just show the boys? I said no. When he shows you his underwear he sticks out his butt nice and wide. Its cute but I don't think that is the behavior a catholic school teacher wants to deal with.

I really can't wait for Patrick to grow out of the "WHY???" phase. Enough said on that except I hope and maybe I should start praying Tommy doesn't start this little habit.

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