Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Oh that James!

Yesterday my cousin Ashley came over with her newborn son, Matthew John. I will be his godmother when he is baptized at mass next weekend. He was born on April 4th. He is a beautiful baby. I took pictures but I haven't got them off the camera yet but will post them soon. John and Patrick both seemed to enjoy meeting the baby. James was very shy. When Matthew and Ashley arrived James was in the basement and wouldn't come up even though I had his lunch on the table. Finally I went downstairs and brought him up. I think James shyness stems from when Ashley watched him in January and sometimes in February when I had to go to work or take John to school.

Matthew is a big baby. He and Tom are probably just a 1/4 inch apart! After James' nap he came down and asked "Where's Ashley?" This is something he did quite often when she came over in February. I explained she went home right after he went upstairs for nap time. I then asked him if he enjoyed seeing baby Matthew. His eyes closed in a hurtful look and said "he didn't say hi to me." Later in the evening Matt was asking James - "Who did Ashley bring over?" James replied "John Deere" - you see Baby Matthew was wearing an outfit that said "John Deere".

Here are the pictures of the boys:

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