As I mentioned in my previous blog - my back was hurting. It seemed to get worse and worse every morning. This morning I decided to go back to the chiropractor I saw when I was pregnant with Patrick. I was worried about taking the kids and how they would behave and if the chiropractor would want me to come back a zillion times. Well my sister called this morning - I think to tell me she wasn't going to swim lessons but then she stepped up to the plate and offered to take the kids. The chiropractor was wonderful. I am back in alignment and I don't have to go back a zillion times maybe just a few more and then maybe once a month won't kill me. I just got up from a bit of a rest and how relieved I am that I can get out of bed without much pain.
We had a great weekend. The weather cooperated and through the kindness of our friends, we were able to take the boys to the Indians game on Saturday night. John and James had a blast as this is the first time that they were really aware of their surroundings. There wasn't enough to keep Patrick occupied and Tommy didn't mind snoozing. It was fun to see the joy in John and James' eyes despite the rednecks from Cincinnati that sat around us. I think I would be crazy enough to take them downtown for another game but maybe sit in the Pronkville instead. Taking the boys to the Captains games are much easier though.
We have a mixed CD of songs that we made up that I play in the van when we are on adventures. One of the songs is "I'm still a guy" by Brad Paisely. John is going around with mardi gras beads singing that song - so is James but he only has a pull up on. For some reason he likes to be undressed more than he is dressed lately. Oh boy.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Ahh Relief!
Friday, June 27, 2008
Tired kids suck
So for some odd reason Patrick has been getting up early the past couple days. By early I mean before 5:30. Today apparently he had a good excuse as he was soaking wet according to Matt. After swim lessons I took the crew to WalMart to look for a stove guard to keep Patrick from touching the stove. The other 2 did not so why does he have to start now?? They did not have the guard and the boys left sad because we did not look at the toys. We had stopped to use the bathroom and this is when I discovered that James had a very very wet diaper. I was not willing to let him float through the store and a new diaper was in the swim bag in the car. Getting Patrick in and out of the car is such a chore especially when he is lacking sleep. He fights you and then John and James thinks its fun to instigate all kinds of trouble with each other. The next thing you know swear words are flying out of my mouth.
I feel like a detective this week. We have had a moderate ant problem in the kitchen and I found two spots around the house where they have been congregating. I got the ant spray down so hopefully we will see less and less of them. I also got rid of the stench that was on our landing going to the basement. I kept going by the area wondering what it was. Then I moved our Spring coats off the hook and found a bag with old potatoes that I forgot about. So down came the coats and the bag of stench. The good news is that I found $15 in my pocket because I was washing every coat that was hanging on the hooks! Another bonus was I found the pee shield to our good portable potty chair. It too was in the "stinky" area.
In other gross things that happened in our house this week - last night we took the boys for ice cream up the street. They enjoyed it and we beat the storm that blew through our area. As I was getting Patrick ready for bed he started to choke on his saliva which then became "spit up" as John calls it. Thank god I have a steam cleaner. I think it looks a lot better. Patrick also peed yesterday in the backporch as I was changing him from swimming. I found this sort of amusing because he looked like he was trying to stop it. Good thing the porch is like a "mud room"
John has a late game (7pm) tonight so hopefully everyone will make it through and they all can get a bath tonight. We are going to the Indians game tomorrow as long as the weather cooperates. I hope the kids sleep in tomorrow - at least until after 6:30 am!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Everyone is healthy
Yesterday, with the help of my SIL Kathy, I took James Patrick and Tommy for their well checkups. The three boys are all about 10 lbs apart and boy when you pick them up you can feel the difference. They are all healthy and thriving. I was most impressed by Patrick because he didn't cry when he got his shot. I wish he would have got his 2nd shot he needed but apparently their is a shortage. I just don't know what it will cost us when we go on Matt's insurance. Well checkups & shots are covered 100% on my insurance.
We went to the History Museum today with the Lenders. We had a lot of fun. Patrick enjoyed his controlled "freedom". It is now starting to rain lightly. I hope this passes so we can go play t-ball tonight. We play Paige's team so it should be fun.
I saw last night on STO that they want pictures of fans from your town so I think I will take the boys around Willowick with their Indians gear and snap some photos to submit. It should be fun. I was actually up around 5 am thinking about this. Tommy was a bit unsettled last night from the results of his shots. I think I need to find some face paint so we can do something on the boys bellies - after all they are guys!
The annual cousins picture turned out pretty good I guess. There isn't really one great picture of all the kids or at least my 4. If John has a nice smile then Tommy is looking somewhere else. If Tommy is looking at the camera then John has a weird look on his face. I wonder if that is something the camera man needs to work on.
Tommy is fussing - got to run!
Monday, June 23, 2008
The Library
Today was a pretty good day overall. I found myself physically exhausted by the end of the day. Some days after picking up the kids or bending over to help them takes a toll.
Lori took John to drop off Carter at some camp he is attending and to hang out with Paige. I took the boys to the Library because I wanted to get a book that will help John learn how to tie his shoes (when we decide to stop buying the velcro kind) and also get a new card. For some reason the card I probably have never used (because my mom worked there) wasn't working when I tried to reserve the book I wanted online. Patrick was up at 5am for some unknown reason so during our ride he had fallen asleep and Tommy was asleep too. So I decided to forgo the stroller - I figured I would be carrying Patrick and Tommy in the car seat with James close by plus I remember that the library elevator is super small - my limo stroller would never fit. Well Patrick woke up as I got him out of the car. We got the library card with no problem but of course when Patrick sees the kids books and toys he was looking to get down. We found "Red Lace, Yellow Lace", I grabbed a few other books for the kids to read (after all we got a library card now) and the librarian had me joining their summer reading program and given me coloring books for the kids. At this point I was wishing I had Patrick on a leash. My hands are full plus I need to carry the car seat and keep Patrick in line. So I tried to put the coloring books (which were in plastic bags) on Tommy. That worked for a second it ended up waking him up which made him cry because this is when he realized hey it's time for me to eat. Let me tell you it was a long walk from the Childeren's Section to the checkout desk. We managed hopefully not to disturb to many people reading their newspapers and magazines. I guess I was sort of embarrassed by the fact Tommy is screaming and I couldn't calm him down because I did not want to get him out of the car seat. As long as we kept moving he was fine but James is still 3 and still learning how to process directions from his mother and again - keeping Patrick close. Now I know why I'm so tired tonight!
Friday, June 20, 2008
This morning was going great but because I was taking the boys to Chagrin River Park after swimming lessons that meant extra bags. So everyone was loaded then I was realizing what wasn't in the swim bag - a towel for John. Then I realized I didn't put sunscreen on him either - I went back to see if there was still some on the porch - there was not so I said "ah screw it". The other kicker was today was my sister's birthday and I was bringing a box of cookies we picked up earlier in the week at BJ's. So we are all set. John and James are cool - Patrick and Tommy are fussing a bit. So to help that I hit the gas and back out faster than I normally do out of the garage. The next thing I know is the driver rear view mirror was bent backwards. I made some comment that Dad wouldn't like that and proceeded to get out and put it back in the correct position.
Fast forward - swim lessons good (even with James having a bowel movement in big boy underwear) - park was awesome - it was a gorgeous day for a picnic - rest of the day good. The boys finally get a chance to see Matt after he mows the lawn and the first thing they tell him is how I bent the rear view mirror back. Thanks guys - glad to see what happens when Dad is gone doesn't necessarily stay just between us.
I'm looking forward to a fun low key weekend where I can re-energize the batteries for next weekend. I hope the rain misses us and they really are joking when they are calling for highs in the 60's on Monday. C'mon Mother Nature - its Summer!
All in all a pretty good week - got my phone back and I'm snapping pics like crazy. James is making some headway on the potty training - yesterday was his best day. We got a new game for Wii and controller yesterday. The new games are fun. I downloaded the new Mozilla Firefox update before Matt and I didn't think that was a big deal but apparently it is to a web geek! Just kidding honey - I love you!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
The good, the bad, the ugly
So this week I decided we need to push James a little closer to graduating diapers. Let me tell it has been a week that has tried my patience to the max. I am fine with a few accidents but after 4 or if I run out of shorts for him to where then I throw in the towel. It was rough on Monday. A little better Tuesday and yesterday not much training went on because it was so cold he needed to wear jeans and I don't have that much supply of those. Today so far was the best. I was even brave enough to go to 2 stores with him in underwear. We had a few planned potty breaks that made this morning a success. He was doing great - then came lunch. He had an accident :-( Now here we are playing Wii and I just remembered he talked me into one more pair of underwear. Oh well - when he had his last accident he didn't want changed. He is such a boy!
I would like someone to right the potty training manual that is in my situation. Forget about putting the potty chair in the living room and letting the kid run wild. I have a very curious 1 1/2 year old. Sure he could get potty trained too but I don't need urine and bowel movements dumped all over my carpeting!
Here is the ugly: This is the image I deal with everyday after Patrick is finished eating. I'm impressed the plate is still on the table. Most of the time half of his food and plate are on the floor. The ants were at an all time high yesterday because I didn't realize he left a chunk of his bagel on the floor before we left the house. I think we found where they were coming in the house and shot them with RAID. It would be nice if we didn't have them as house guests any longer. They are driving me nuts!!!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Wow! What a weekend!
We had a lot of fun between the festival, John's t-ball game, Matthew being baptized, playing in the new pool, the Willowick parade and of course Father's Day! Lots of visiting and meeting new people.
John and James had a blast at the festival. They enjoyed the rides very much. I feel bad we didn't get to go back today, but after the parade I was pretty much tired of being in the sun. We hung out in the pool in the backyard. It is a Little Tikes pool that has a basketball hoop attached. The hoop can be blown up but it is very tricky when keeping the air in it as you plug the plug. At least the backboard stands up pretty good.
Tomorrow starts swimming lessons. I hope this motivates James to get potty trained. This whole process is really exhausting me. I remember with John we had to tell him over and over. With James it is the same thing only James moves at James speed which can be a lot slower that Mom's speed - especially when Patrick is trying to get into the bathroom for a better look. I think I will start adding "James gets potty trained very very soon" to our evening prayers. Maybe he'll get the hint. It seems like we are going through pull ups like water. Maybe we just go to underwear full time - I just don't like the thought of him peeing and it getting my furniture wet and I already had to deal with a bowel movement in the underwear. Not fun. I'm hoping God will help me out with the next two and it goes a lot faster and easier.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Take me out to the ballgame!
We had a great time at the Captains game. The boys were wonderful and I found my monkey leash for Patrick which was a godsend! We got there just in time for the national anthem. Our seats in the handicap section were right behind a mini-concession stand that serves popcorn and drinks - thank you ticket seller man! - and a section away from the bathrooms (my request). The Captains won the first game 7-3. We left after the first 1/2 inning of the second game. Matt showed up which allowed us to stay a little longer otherwise I was out of there after the first game. We won a little cooler because we had the game program with an autograph. We won a beachball perfect for our backyard pool. We got interviewed by the local TV station (Channel 3) about the value of supporting the Captains. Little do they know we have friends in high places so there is a true value to the free tickets and parking! The interview is to air sometime next week. I'm so glad we did it! I hope I can take them again soon!
Ahh peace and quiet
Everyone is laying down right now. I don't know if there is a full moon or what but the kids are getting on my nerves today. John is starting to instigate trouble with James and Patrick and I have had enough! I'm taking them to the Captains game tonight at 5:05pm. I think everyone will behave. Patrick might need some room to move and I'm sure Tom will want to see what is going on. I laid down for a bit as well so I will have the energy for this one.
Today at Target was part fun and part nightmare. The kids were good through BJ's and then we went to Target because Tom needed to finish his bottle he started before we left the house. I bought the kids pretzels and brought in their water cups. They were good until they finished. Patrick was crawling all over and Tom was not cooperating with his bottle. There was an older couple having a coffee and when I went to retrieve Patrick and he started kicking I didn't get the smile I usually get from strangers - it was a look of "it sucks to be you". Thanks. The kids were packed up in the cart and we were off to look at the toys!
I hope this rain moves out here soon! I would like to open up the windows and get some fresh air! I'm tired of having everything closed up. Yesterday was fun even though it was hot. We hung out in the backyard pool. Once I brought toys out for the pool the kids seemed to enjoyed cooling off. Tommy loved when I squirted the boys with a squirt gun. His laugh is a little too familiar - like James and Patrick - more trouble on the way!
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Good Weekend
It was a pretty good weekend. The only downers were that Tom was sick and I dropped my cell phone into the sink full of water.
Tom started running a fever Friday afternoon. I really thought it was heat related. He was pretty good (99 ish) on Saturday so we went to our former neighbors surprise 60th birthday party. By the time we got home it was back over 100 and as high as 102 last night. He was pretty good today. It did climb into the 100's but the tylenol did its job. I am taking him to the doctors tomorrow fever or no fever just to see what is up. He has had some loss of appetite as he hasn't been finishing all of his bottles. I'm hoping for a good night tonight. Despite all of these he still is pretty content and talkative.
The cell phone really bummed me out. I was dumping water out of my new soft cooler and I had placed my phone into one of the pockets. I immediately got on ebay and found the model phone I had 3 months ago before I dropped that one in the water. I'm hoping to get it by the end of the week and activated. It will be weird not having a phone let alone I use the clock on it all the time.
We had a great time visiting with our neighbors. The girl I grew up across the street came in for the party with her family. She has 3 boys that are just about the same age as my boys so they had a lot of fun together before and during the party. My boys enjoyed our backyard pool we got out Friday night.
Friday night was actually cool because after Matt got the pool all set up I went out and grabbed some cold beer and it felt so refreshing to drink it after a hot day. I haven't done that in a long long time :-)
Time to get some rest. Taking everyone to the doctors tomorrow will require a lot of strength. I hope whatever Tom is fighting off goes away quickly. I would like to go to the splash park some more this week and Tuesday night the Lake County Captains are playing a double header. I think it would be fun to take the boys. I know John and James will enjoy and hopefully Patrick will be good and watch it too. That will require a lot of energy and popcorn.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Today's highlight brought to you by -
James! We went to the mall. I wasn't sure if I wanted to go to the Farmpark or the mall. They were calling for rain and I didn't want to deal with getting wet when going from the cows to the horses at the Farmpark so the Mall won out. Turns out it didn't rain but we had a great time. I decided I was going to go to Sears and look for some inexpensive "Summer" wear for me. I haven't splurged or updated my wardrobe in god only knows how long. The kids were great while I looked and it helped that I didn't have to look too hard and I knew what I wanted. They even did great in the jewelry store. I decided I needed some new earrings. With all the testosterone flying in the house I needed something girly. The kids played for a while in the middle of the mall. We splurged some more at Disney. The older boys got "Cars" beach towels and sunglasses. We had lunch and we hit the road a little after noon. Patrick ended up falling asleep on the way home - no shocker there. Tom was sleeping too when we got home. I decided I would let James stay up for a littler longer. Lately he has been playing in his room for an hour or two and then falling asleep and being a bit difficult to wake up. He was totally fine until dinner. He was eating away when I looked at him and his eyes were starting to close. I said "James are you ok?" With his eyes closed he said "no mommy, my eyes hurt". Just then his head went forward because he was falling asleep and he hit his head on the table. I felt bad that he hit his head but at the same time I was breaking up on the inside - my eyes hurt - too funny.
Oh that James!
Matthew is a big baby. He and Tom are probably just a 1/4 inch apart! After James' nap he came down and asked "Where's Ashley?" This is something he did quite often when she came over in February. I explained she went home right after he went upstairs for nap time. I then asked him if he enjoyed seeing baby Matthew. His eyes closed in a hurtful look and said "he didn't say hi to me." Later in the evening Matt was asking James - "Who did Ashley bring over?" James replied "John Deere" - you see Baby Matthew was wearing an outfit that said "John Deere".
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Good thing they are cute!
The funny thing about are house there is something always going on that I could blog about. Most times I don't have the time or I forgot all the details and don't blog about it.