Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Wow! What a crazy week!

It is only Wednesday and I feel wiped out. I think a lot of it is that the kids are getting a cold with runny noses and Patrick has been up a lot at night. I think he has the double whammy - cold and new teeth.

Today was John's school picnic. Because of the weather, it was held at the school rather than the local park. I was very thankful for the change. It made the time a lot easier. Patrick was able to enjoy himself and I was still able to keep an eye on everyone. I finished up John's treat for his graduation today. They are M&M's on top of a hershey kiss on top of a pretzel. They are now cooling . They are a delicious treat!

I'm amazed at James. Just when you think the kid is done peeing, he says he is not and eeks out a little bit more.

Tom is doing great - he has been trying to roll over for the past two days. It is awfully cute!

Here's to hoping the rest of the week is good. We are going to PA this weekend to visit my parents. I hope I remember everything we need and then it all gets in the car!

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