Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day Reflections

I was thinking this morning as I was looking at my boys what makes them so special and I decided to share:

John - He is very smart and sensitive. I love how he likes to read the Sports page every morning to see who won the baseball scores. I love how I can get him to behave and help me by promising him some time to play Wii. I love how gentle and kind he is to his brothers. He has the best laugh. I love how he keeps trying things - like pronouncing Progressive Field or Pacific Ocean. I love how he makes up songs and teaches them to his brothers.

James - I love how he always makes me laugh. Now that he is talking I know what he is thinking. I love his voice how it can be so sweet. I love how when he is eating and he is hungry he says "yummy yummy hippo mommy" or "Delicious". I love how he likes to wear his camouflage rain boots everywhere rain or shine and he calls them "army boots". I love how he sings. He is very photogenic and is ready with the goofiest faces.

Patrick - I love his loving eyes. Although, if he doesn't know you he can stare at you where it looks like he is looking right through you. I love that he tries to do everything his big brothers do even if it isn't always nice. I love how snuggly he can be when he wants held. I love how he will back into you with a book when he wants a story read. I love how when I'm making breakfast, lunch, or dinner he is the first one in the room climbing up at the table even though the meal is not ready. I love how he is the last one to leave eating the scraps the others left behind. I love how he doesn't care who's sippy cup he is drinking from. I love how well he goes to sleep at nap and at night. I love how he sings.

Thomas - I love that he is sleeping through the night more times than not. I love how he smiles everytime I talk to him. I love how well he is eating prunes because the one formula bottle a day (the rest is breast milk) is messing up his bowels. I love how strong and alert he is. I love that he is turning on his side.

I love that I have had the opportunity to spend time with them this maternity leave. I love being their mother and enjoy taking them out to the store or other special places. I love being a mother!

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