Wednesday, May 28, 2008

I deserve a medal or something

I had to take the kids up the street - not too far - to pick up and pay for an ammendment we needed to file for our '07 taxes. Matt's car is in the shop and so he has the van. He forgot to leave me the double stroller. So I decided we were going any ways - we needed out after all. Tom was in the car seat in the stroller, Patrick was a walker and sometimes carried, John was a walker, and James was riding a bike. Let me tell you James is just learning to ride. He pedals pretty good but sometimes stops to check out the scenary. We made it just fine and on the way home it got better as John pushed the stroller so I could concentrate on James and Patrick. Crossing streets were tricky but luckily it was early morning and traffic was very light on the side streets. So I ordered myself a new dress. After all I deserve a medal or something. Tomorrow - I'm taking the kids to the local Dodge dealership to have the AC fixed. Small waiting room - hopefully small wait. I plan on taking things to entertain. Hopefully we do not have to make a lot of bathroom breaks. Then we need to pick up a book I ordered at Barnes and Nobles. I see a nap in my future tomorrow.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

C'mon Friday!

I swear by the end of the week I'm dead. I'm ready for probably as much as John is for him to graduate. His class is to perform songs and then they graduate. I'm sure it will be really sweet.

Lori came over for a little bit today. Paige had her class picnic so she was off. It was nice. The kids were entertained for a little bit and it was chaotic as ever until they left and lunch was served. I'm amazed at how much of a mess little people can make.

I also spoke with my boss. The girl that I'm supposed to time share with is now not sure what she wants to do - work part time or full. I don't understand how she is not sure. He said she wants to work full time for a while before she decides. If anything work part time and then if it doesn't make sense financially or if you don't want to work then don't! This could be a big monkey wrench in the whole thing. Also with the job freeze that is slowing the whole process down. So were back waiting to see what happens - not like we got off that pattern. The best case scenario is I get a package or the time share. Fingers are crossed that everything works out!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Wow! What a crazy week!

It is only Wednesday and I feel wiped out. I think a lot of it is that the kids are getting a cold with runny noses and Patrick has been up a lot at night. I think he has the double whammy - cold and new teeth.

Today was John's school picnic. Because of the weather, it was held at the school rather than the local park. I was very thankful for the change. It made the time a lot easier. Patrick was able to enjoy himself and I was still able to keep an eye on everyone. I finished up John's treat for his graduation today. They are M&M's on top of a hershey kiss on top of a pretzel. They are now cooling . They are a delicious treat!

I'm amazed at James. Just when you think the kid is done peeing, he says he is not and eeks out a little bit more.

Tom is doing great - he has been trying to roll over for the past two days. It is awfully cute!

Here's to hoping the rest of the week is good. We are going to PA this weekend to visit my parents. I hope I remember everything we need and then it all gets in the car!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

James' Birthday

It was a successful birthday for James. He loved all of the presents he received. He shared very nicely with his brothers too. I bought food coloring while at the store today and I have to say the cake turned out pretty good - the only thing is the writing on the cake I'm disappointed with. I will have to practice on wax paper or something to get better. Here is a picture before food coloring. I didn't think I was going to fix it up more so I put the Wiggles candle in and it made a pretty good indention on the fondant.

Here is the cake after the food coloring:

The fondant was good - very sweet and it was best when you ate it with cake. Then it was like chewing gum that you could swallow. It is late. I better go to bed.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Drying up

Well I decided today was the day to stop nursing. I'm ready and I'm pretty sure Tom is ready too. So far so good - the pain is tolerable. I'm trying out the old wives' tale about putting cabbage leaves on your breasts and that helps with the drying up. I don't know how often you are to change them and what not. So I have been changing the leaves pretty frequently. When they go on it feels good because they are cold but once they warm up they start to stink. I'm lucky nobody said "hey it smells like cabbage when I was at BJ's".

We made James' birthday cake this morning. I bought new square cake pans hoping for that perfect cake. The one cake looks perfect but the other will need some trimming. I'm also going to try and make a marshmallow fondant to cover the cake up with instead of a traditional frosting. Part of the reason is I watch too much Food Network Challenges and the other reason is because I'm tired of having my cake crumbs and icing mix together. Last year when we had the "Bob the Builder" cake it was not a problem as it looked like dirt but it still bothers me. Hopefully the fondant will turn out good and taste good too!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The Zoo and high prices

Yesterday I took the kids to the Rainforest and Zoo. After all we bought a membership might as well use it and we all could use a fun day. It was fun and the kids behaved well. The killer was when we got home I changed the sleeping kids diapers who then woke up. I gently placed them into bed and said "night night". They must have laid there for a few minutes and decided the 1/2 hour nap on the way home was enough because they were all up! No rest for me and I was exhausted! Oh well it worked out because John had t-ball at 5pm and we needed to eat a little early anyways.

Can't believe how high the gas prices are. I guess it is the price of oil plus all the taxes the government adds on to it that makes it so high. Can't wait until they all fall down again or we get new politicians that will relieve some of the taxes. I better not hold my breath on the latter.

Fees - a lot of places have them to protect themselves but I think in the long run it loses business. For example MCI was my long distance carrier. I probably used them once in the last 6 years because of my cell phone is now more my long distance choice. Well they decided to institute a minimum usage fee in February. I haven't had a balance so I haven't opened up my bill. Then I received a phone call asking me to pay $25.84. I said come again I haven't used your service why do I owe you this amount? The "financial" person couldn't tell me so I had to call back on Monday to the Customer Service center. Then on Monday when I got my monthly bill from them I saw what they were talking about and oh yea - the 99 cents they were charging for a paper statement was now going up the $1.99. No thank you. I fee for the people who don't have access to a computer. Maybe our government should be handing out those along with the food stamps.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Random Thoughts

As I went through my day today I had a few things come to mind.

1. Wii is good and bad. It is good because anybody can play it (fairly easily) and it doesn't matter if you are young or old the competition level is even. For example I crushed John in baseball today 8-0 that we only played one inning. Then we changed to golf and he crushed me by 11 strokes. In my mind I think it is better because you are not just standing there although I think it truly is all in your wrist and how you flick the controller. It keeps the children occupied for a while and only a fight breaks out when James has had enough and turns the TV off on John. The bad - John is totally obsessed with it that he has cried when he has turned it off or becomes mean after he is done playing. He has controlled this much better lately so it has been easier to deal with. I always hear "I want to play Wii" from my children rather than "Let's go out and play"

2. Toy magazine's are evil. We got a Lego magazine today in the mail and without thinking much of it I let John look at it. Little did I know how much he was going to obsess about wanting the $80 toys in it. I gently reminded him that his birthday has past and he has no money to purchase which immediately turns on the water works. I then began to ponder about going on ebay and looking for an inexpensive set to purchase that he could play during nap time only and it would be an alternative to Wii.

3. Oh my gosh the 2nd game of the Indians double header is a good one. I missed the triple play because Dancing with the Stars.

4. Thomas is really heavy in the car seat carrier. I took the head support out today and Tom did just fine. I guess I'm going to have to learn pretty soon how to keep track of Patrick and hold Tom at the same time. In the mean time its not worth it right now and I will just have to look at it as a toning opportunity.

5. I wish I could train a 1 year old how to clean up the toys he threw all over the floor.

I think I had a few more things I wanted to mention but the Indians game is really good right now and I'm getting tired.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day Reflections

I was thinking this morning as I was looking at my boys what makes them so special and I decided to share:

John - He is very smart and sensitive. I love how he likes to read the Sports page every morning to see who won the baseball scores. I love how I can get him to behave and help me by promising him some time to play Wii. I love how gentle and kind he is to his brothers. He has the best laugh. I love how he keeps trying things - like pronouncing Progressive Field or Pacific Ocean. I love how he makes up songs and teaches them to his brothers.

James - I love how he always makes me laugh. Now that he is talking I know what he is thinking. I love his voice how it can be so sweet. I love how when he is eating and he is hungry he says "yummy yummy hippo mommy" or "Delicious". I love how he likes to wear his camouflage rain boots everywhere rain or shine and he calls them "army boots". I love how he sings. He is very photogenic and is ready with the goofiest faces.

Patrick - I love his loving eyes. Although, if he doesn't know you he can stare at you where it looks like he is looking right through you. I love that he tries to do everything his big brothers do even if it isn't always nice. I love how snuggly he can be when he wants held. I love how he will back into you with a book when he wants a story read. I love how when I'm making breakfast, lunch, or dinner he is the first one in the room climbing up at the table even though the meal is not ready. I love how he is the last one to leave eating the scraps the others left behind. I love how he doesn't care who's sippy cup he is drinking from. I love how well he goes to sleep at nap and at night. I love how he sings.

Thomas - I love that he is sleeping through the night more times than not. I love how he smiles everytime I talk to him. I love how well he is eating prunes because the one formula bottle a day (the rest is breast milk) is messing up his bowels. I love how strong and alert he is. I love that he is turning on his side.

I love that I have had the opportunity to spend time with them this maternity leave. I love being their mother and enjoy taking them out to the store or other special places. I love being a mother!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Finally a break!

It seems like a long time since I had some quiet time to myself after the 1 o'clock hour. I am making John rest for at least a half hour today. I would prefer an hour but I'll take 30 minutes. I made James lay down by staying upstairs until he fell asleep - thank you Tom for cooperating. He and Patrick have been in a combative mood today. Patrick was up since 5:30 am and who knows what James' problem is. Hopefully they will both wake up from their nap ready to listen to instructions and be nice to others - yea right ;-)

Tonight is a big night - John and James have dentist appointments and we were invited to the Lake County Captains ballgame in a suite. I'm pretty sure the boys will do well. I hope they do not force an issue and take x-rays on either one of them. Then after that off to the ball game! The game was originally scheduled for 7:05 but because of a rainout they will play at 5:05 and then 20 minutes after that. Hopefully we will get to see a little baseball if not enjoy the food and company! John is to have t-ball today at 5pm but I was not running all the kids to 3 places that is to much stress for me. It will be enough stress having Matt come home in time to get everyone to the dentist appointment by 6pm.

I hope to have more resolve on the job share issue with my work. My boss asked me to call his last Wednesday but apparently he had to leave the office unexpectedly and won't be back until Thursday. There was a part time position that is open in Mentor but I need to apply by Friday. So hopefully I will get this resolved soon - not to mention I need to find a sitter!

Ok - time to surf and relax some more. Yea - me time - what a treat!