Thursday, May 22, 2008

C'mon Friday!

I swear by the end of the week I'm dead. I'm ready for probably as much as John is for him to graduate. His class is to perform songs and then they graduate. I'm sure it will be really sweet.

Lori came over for a little bit today. Paige had her class picnic so she was off. It was nice. The kids were entertained for a little bit and it was chaotic as ever until they left and lunch was served. I'm amazed at how much of a mess little people can make.

I also spoke with my boss. The girl that I'm supposed to time share with is now not sure what she wants to do - work part time or full. I don't understand how she is not sure. He said she wants to work full time for a while before she decides. If anything work part time and then if it doesn't make sense financially or if you don't want to work then don't! This could be a big monkey wrench in the whole thing. Also with the job freeze that is slowing the whole process down. So were back waiting to see what happens - not like we got off that pattern. The best case scenario is I get a package or the time share. Fingers are crossed that everything works out!

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