Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Olympic hangover

Since the Olympics have started I have been staying up later than normal. Its pretty sad now that I fall asleep with the TV on just in case I wake up to see Team USA get another gold medal. It has made nap time more important - so I can rest!

The kids (Patrick and James) are super cranky today. James didn't nap yesterday for some reason and Patrick had a rough night - I'm guessing it his last tooth coming through or he was too hot or cold. What ever the reason it has been hard today. It doesn't help that he tripped a few times.

Today after we dropped John off at Bible School I was talking to one of our neighbors as James and mostly Patrick played in the front of the van. I should have stopped them but I didn't. I finally get in the car and notice a nickel in the entrance of the CD player. I tried to get it out but it got pushed through - yikes! Looks like Matt will be going fishing for a nickel.

I think I'm going to take the gang to the Lake County Fair after dinner. It looks like everyone got a pretty good nap and the rest of the week is busy. We have never taken the boys and this seems like a fun outing since Bible School is taking up our morning fun time. Hopefully baths will go well and everyone has a good time without costing me an arm and a leg.

Tomorrow I go to John's school to get the law of the land by the principals. It is also Matt's birthday so he will have some quality time with his boys!

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