Wednesday, July 2, 2008

This and that

It just seems like it has been a crazy couple of days. My back is still sore in the morning but I'm hoping it gets better fast. By the end of the day I have mostly pain free mobility. I'm ready to go back tomorrow to get cracked again.

John has been doing awesome in swimming lessons. I wouldn't be surprised if he passes to the next level but I'm happy to see the progress he is making this year. He decided he wanted to be part of the Water Show and he wanted to play Soccer this fall. I'm hoping he will make friends in Soccer that are in his class when he goes to school.

Patrick slept in this morning thank god. He fussed at different points early in the morning but managed to go back to sleep. It looks like the teeth are finally breaking the gum line. I hope this will help him settle down a bit. Today at the park the camp kids were playing on the big equipment and he was just going around them to go down the slide. At one point he fell (not off the whole thing just down a step he was climbing) - I ran over and he just got up and kept on going. The counsler who was watching the kids was quite impressed. Just by talking to the young lad it looks like being a counsler is good birth control for him. He was mentioning how the kids never listen- yep I know how that is.

Tommy is still a wonderful baby. He wants to see what is going on more and more. He is starting to army crawl on the floor. I mentioned to my mom today - great just what I need another kid storming the bathroom when I'm working with James. Eventually he will learn how to roll from tummy to back but he has perfected back to front.

I'm looking forward to the 4th of July. I think we might get crazy and load the kids in the car so we can watch fireworks at Classic Park. I think we'll just park it somewhere in a parking lot. I wish they were at my old high school then we could drink in our driveway and watch the fireworks.

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