Friday, February 6, 2009


This week has been a week of projects. I decided to get my act in gear and get all the pictures of James, Patrick and most of Tommy uploaded to Shutterfly to order prints so I can make them a scrapbook of their first year. Last Sunday I completed a Valentine's Book for the Grandparents and that helped inspired this little project. It has been fun looking back at James and Patrick when they were babies. I got the Valentine's Book today in the mail - make that books - apparently I ordered 2 books to be sent to me and 2 to my mom. No wonder it cost more than I thought it would. I guess I got confused along the way in the process. Matt said that's ok maybe I'll keep one and take it to work with me!

My other project this week is getting our tax stuff together so I can take it to the professionals. I think I have my ducks in a row. Now I'm nervous about two things. How much I'm going to owe the professionals and Uncle Sam because my virtual assistant position not taxed. I got the official offer this week from Pfizer to come back full time to which I replied - no can do - so I will be offered a severance package! Nothing like walking away from a job with a little bit of money. The bummer is my severance package will be based on my part time hours and not when I was full time. Now its time to start praying that the virtual job will be enough still for us to make ends meet.

The kids have been cranky this week - it could be me, who knows. We got out Monday and today. The rest of the week it wasn't worth it weather wise. On Monday the boys and I found Tommy's birthday present. It is so hard to pick something special and nice for the 4th boy. I think we found it in the Little People's Garage. I've wanted this for a while but we kept having more children so I'm glad we put it off. James is super excited. He thought we should bring it in from the car and put it in the living room to play with it. Just two more weeks we can do that. It looks like Tommy is about to sprout one of his top front teeth. I've been giving him a dose of ibuprofen every night before bed. I hope that doesn't hurt him health wise. I just want a peaceful night's sleep which hasn't happened in a while. Someone is always rumbling at one point in the night. If only Patrick would just learn to pull the blanket over him.

Ok back to uploading pictures!

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