Friday, August 28, 2009

Back to school

John has had a great first week of school. He has behaved well, mustered up enough courage to buy milk, lost his second tooth and looks cute on the school bus. The first day of school he went without milk because he wouldn't go in line. The 2nd day I had him buy a milk pass and he has bought milk everyday. Today he told me he bought milk but didn't drink it because no one came over to help him open it - ugh! Apparently you raise your hand for help and no one responded to his request. I guess kids don't think to go over to a teacher to get her attention.

It has been challenging for me to fit in homework in our afternoon schedule. The little boys are an issue that we are slowly dealing with. The weekend gives us a little more time so we shouldn't be too challenged. Next week they have a full week of school. I hope he continues to enjoy it.

James starts preschool next week. Wednesday is a drop off your supplies and Friday is the real deal. I asked him what he is looking forward to - he said snacks from me, learning to write his name. He said he wasn't afraid of anything right now so hopefully it stays that way.

Dear God - please let Patrick sleep in tomorrow - this getting up before 5:30 is a bit much - especially when I am PMSing!!

Monday, August 24, 2009

The last day of summer vacation

So I was trying to think of something fun to do with the kids. I was pretty sure I would take them to the Penitentary Glen Park for some nature but at the last minute decided to take them to beach - not to swim but play in the sand and playground equipment. When I first got there I was astonished at the number of bees at the beach after all there are no flowers in sight just sand! We made our way near the lake so the boys could throw rocks in the lake (a new favorite pastime) and then soon we were digging in the sand and making volcanoes with water inside. After a while we walked back to play on the playground. They had fun with it and soon it was lunch time. Again the bees are everywhere. The kids are starting to freak out and I am a little too because Matt is allergic to bees and I don't want to have someone having a reaction today. Well poor Tommy was the lucky child that got stung. It was on his thumb. The poor thing cried and cried. Luckily I knew the people who worked at the refreshment stand and they gave me a spray that numbs the area. It didn't really help so we finished our lunches on the way home. Tommy continued to cry until he fell asleep but started up again when I was getting him out of the car. I gave him ibuprofen and put vinegar on the sting. I did my best to hold a cold compress on it but he would have nothing to do with it. He finally settled down enough so we could head to Walgreen for antihistamine. When looking at the doses I figured there was no way a pharmacist would tell me how much to give to him but I asked anyways and they did. By the time we got home the redness had gone away so I didn't give him any but at least I have it on hand. It was a semi peaceful naptime. Patrick just got up a few minutes ago to tell me I'm wet. Turns out his diaper was half off with just being a little wet. The major wet was on his sheets - ugh! I'm glad I had a cat nap because this is turning out to be a pretty exhausting day - especially when I carried Tommy all through Walgreens! Yes I will be sad John is going to school but at least nap time has a 90% chance of being fight free - that is until Patrick wakes up!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Back to school shopping

So today I decided since it was going to be hot and muggy again - with a chance of rain we would head to the mall to do some back to school shopping for John. We started out in the play area. Luckily no one was there so the boys could climb and jump around everything. I was impressed at Tommy for being suck a daredevil. Then James decided he need to go to the bathroom. I rounded everybody up got their shoes on and off to find a close bathroom. Apparently James doesn't like using a public restroom to take care of business because after a few minutes on the potty he decided he did not have to go. Patrick used the bathroom so it made the trip worthwhile.

Today I decided to experiment with having just Tommy in a stroller. I promised a friend she could have my really really good double stroller after the summer because Patrick will soon be 3 I figured we wouldn't have much use for it soon. Patrick did really well even in the stores like Disney and the Indians team shop where there is a lot of fun things to look at. I think his challenge now is to walk and look at the same time. My challenge as I have figured out is to keep Tommy from pulling off the tags from the merchandise. I have another sit and stand stroller if I need one in a pinch.

I always tell the boys to "look with their eyes and not with their hands". Today Patrick took those words to heart. At the our last stop, the shoe store, we were waiting in line to purchase John and James new shoes. He decided he needed to look at the jewelry stand that was near the cash register. Instead of touching with his hands he put his face 2 inches away from the jewelry. I had to laugh because he just kept doing it over and over.

I'm taking a gamble and spending a few more dollars than I like to for jeans for John this fall. I'm hoping they will make it to Patrick without getting holes in the knees. Wish me luck!

On Sunday I took John and James to the city pool. I bribed John with baseball cards to go down the slide. I knew he could do it and that he should have no fear about getting from the middle of the pool to the side where the ladder was. He did it not once but twice. Today I made good on my bribe and bought him cards. He was like a kid at Christmas when going through the names. I bought a 2 pack and I think the one pack I had already bought him. The good news is he got Ryan Howard.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


So far both boys have really enjoyed Bible School. I also have enjoyed spending 3 hours with just Patrick and Tommy. It is so much easier to get two kids dressed for the splash park than 4. I also have enjoyed hearing what they learned each day. Yesterday when I asked James what was the snack - he said - Jesus Christ. I said no what did you eat? Apparently it was some graham cracker thing that maybe was the stable because they talked about Jesus' birth. James really likes the concept of school and I think he thinks of himself as a big boy. I think going to preschool might be easy for him. Both boys are cute singing the songs from the Bible School CD they got yesterday. The tunes are catchy.

Yesterday James used the bathroom and then put his pants on backwards. I didn't notice until we were in the driveway. So when he told me he had to go again I reminded him to change his pants back to the right way. He then told me "I was just crazy!" Then today at lunch he told me he showed everyone his Star Wars underwear. I said did you just pull your pants down or was this during your bathroom break. Luckily it was the latter. I later talked to him about how it might be unacceptable to do that. He replied can I just show the boys? I said no. When he shows you his underwear he sticks out his butt nice and wide. Its cute but I don't think that is the behavior a catholic school teacher wants to deal with.

I really can't wait for Patrick to grow out of the "WHY???" phase. Enough said on that except I hope and maybe I should start praying Tommy doesn't start this little habit.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The Water Show

The Water Show was fantastic! The pool is celebrating its 40th Birthday so the show was around Manry Pool's history and memories. James and John cooperated when I asked them to rest in the afternoon. John laid down for an hour and James eventually took a 2 hour nap. We arrived at 7:30 because the boys needed to be there by 8pm and we wanted to get in line so we could have a choice of seats when they opened the gates. We are so lucky my friend Kristen watched Tommy and Patrick - I could not have imagined how much less I would have enjoyed it because I was tending to them. The show finally began as they paraded all the participants out around the pool. John looked to be enjoying himself and James was all business. When it was time for the boys to perform again - John having fun and actually dancing - James was half dancing. Then they jump into the water and it is cold. John was so good to James to make sure he grabbed his hand to form their circle and you could tell at that point James as not liking the cold water. They got through their routine very nicely - then hopefully they hurried back to their towels to warm up. The participants were behind a curtain where we could not see them. The lifeguard performances were very entertaining. My side hurt from laughing so hard. Then came the guard dance where James was to be featured. The one guard brought him out and he was just standing there near the steps of the shallow end looking a little chilly patiently waiting. They finally made it over as they lined up on the side of the pool they took him on the side further from where we were sitting. And then it was time - and James began to shake his booty! He did a great job. Then came the closing parade where everyone paraded around again. James at this point looked like his eyes were going to bug out because the poor guy was beat. The boys then patiently waited for us to get them from "behind the stage". We got to our car and it was 10:40pm. The boys slept in until 7:30 and luckily for me have been very pleasant. It has been the other two that have had their moments today! Here is James' dance with the guards - sorry I was yelling during the performance - I was excited for him. Matt apologizes for capturing more feet than people - I think he was laughing and I may have hit him in the excitement :-) I think James is done with his fancy dance for now. I think we need to give it a rest and maybe in a couple weeks he might just do it again!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

New month, new look

John's discovered on Friday afternoon that he had a loose tooth. He literally jumped up from the couch and yelled "I have a loose tooth". When he actually let me touch it I was a believer. We then discovered both of his front bottom two are loose but one more so than the other. He proceeded to wiggle it all weekend long with his tongue. When he woke up this morning came down and hung out on the couch like he normally does. Then I think he went to wiggle his tooth when he said "wait a minute something is weird" I looked and he lost his tooth! I thought it might of just happened and I asked him where his tooth was and he said he didn't know. He then proceeded to cry because I think he thought he needed to have a tooth under the pillow to have the tooth fairy come. I let him know that it doesn't matter if he doesn't have his tooth - the tooth fairy always knows when a tooth is lost. I think he must have swallowed it at one point. I went upstairs to feel around for it in his bed but couldn't find it. You can see the next tooth coming in so I'm sure it just pushed the baby tooth right out! He is so cute because his "s" sounds are funny!

The boys had their last practice for the swim show this morning. I think John is ready. James knows the moves but there might be a question if he actually does them. James will definitely have to take a nap on Tuesday. He took a good one yesterday and was able to stay up until 9pm. I think he could have lasted longer but I was ready for the kids to be in bed! James' teacher told me on Friday that James' "Fancy Dance" will be featured in the beginning of the Lifeguard dance. She said they might include James as well. I said be ready with bribes!! John also got good news on Friday. He has passed another level in swimming. They are holding him back until next year as there is only one week of lessons left. I think that is wise to give him that extra practice with everything.

Matt's birthday is still 2 weeks away but I couldn't help but give him his present early. With the boys performance Tuesday night I decided to get him the Flip video camera he had been eyeing. It was on sale at Best Buy. It is a small HD video camera - it is the size of a cell phone. It takes great video and is easy to use. Hopefully there will be enough light to see the boys!