Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The Alumni Game

Last night I played in my high school's alumni basketball game. I was shocked to find out I was the oldest alumni participating at the ripe age of 34. I had a great time and am feeling pretty good - not too much soreness in my body. So I guess my youth is still on my side. Matt and his brother Drew came along with John and James. Once I found out it was an 8pm game I didn't feel I could have Patrick and Tommy attend. They would be miserable once bedtime came around. Luckily Kathy called me to thank me for the wonderful chocolates I sent her home with on Sunday so I could ask her to watch the boys. I got two t-shirts for participating. It was fun going back in the old locker room. I remember when I was playing how it felt like I lived there. I don't know why but I didn't think to bring the camera. I was very nervous about embarrassing myself. I don't think I did but I had an opportunity to make a basket and missed.

Tommy is still doing well. I just found another tooth on the bottom just breaking through. I was brave enough to stick my finger in his mouth this morning when I made the discovery. His top teeth aren't all the way through so it wasn't to dangerous. His hands are looking better to me although they are still sensitive. Last night I let him just "play" in some water to get his hands clean and he did not like it - the water was more cold than hot. He definitely knows what we are up to when we lay him down on his changing table. As I was getting everything ready Matt had him in his room where he was crying then he took him out in the hallway near the boys and he stopped crying.

We had a nice visit with my cousin Ashley and her son Matthew yesterday. Matthew is about 1 month and a half younger then Tommy but he is one active little boy. He is already walking. Tommy seemed to enjoy him and Matthew definitely enjoyed all the boys.

Tomorrow I go back to the Spa in the morning to finish up the Spa Package I purchased last week. I'm looking forward to it. Hopefully my hands will be super moisturized. They seemed to be doing better since I had my facial. I didn't realize that when you get a facial your arms, hands and shoulders also get moisturized with lotion. I'm also wearing rubber gloves when I do the dishes so I think that is helping too.

My mom called me from work today just to chat. Apparently the church has unlimited long distance so she took the liberty to call. I think that is hilarious that she did it. I think she was folding bulletins at the time so it wasn't like she was not working - she was just multi-tasking!

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