Friday, December 12, 2008

Could it be the light at the end of the tunnel?

I'm talking about James and potty training. John was invited to his first birthday party tomorrow. The kid who has his brother bring him over to play considers John to be his best friend. After I discussed with Matt via email whether or not we should let John attend, I then asked John if he would like to go. James said "No! Who is going to watch us?" I said John will be at the party and you will be with Daddy and your brothers. Well that just started a tantrum that went up the stairs and woke Tommy. He was lucky nap time was almost over. He insisted that he had to use the restroom. We shall see how he is tomorrow or when Matt comes home from work.

I'm a bit annoyed with John's teacher. Last week according to the school newsletter interim reports were to go home. His teacher has missed some time because apparently she moved into a new home - I only know this because her sister cuts my hair. I sent a note and an email asking if John was to have brought one home - to which I have had no reply. If the answer is no just tell me there isn't a report this quarter - but to leave me hanging is really getting under my skin.

Tommy is really moving and grooving up the stairs. He had a bit of a rough night last night that I think is all due to his first tooth. He was up a few times - luckily before I was in bed before the night. The tylenol seemed to be the trick to get him through the night.

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