Wednesday, December 24, 2008

What a day!

Tuesday was full of promise - I was scheduled for a Spa treatment and we were to get ATT Uverse installed. Well I made it through my facial when my cell phone began ringing. It was Matt telling me that Tommy burnt his hands on our fireplace in the basement and they were on the way to the hospital and Lori had the kids. Tommy has second degree burns on both hands. I had to take him to the burn unit at Metro Health Medical Center to have it dressed properly and learn how to dress it myself. We will go back next Friday for a follow-up. The good news even though his thumb had a blister on it they said he didn't need it wrapped so he could still suck it. He was miserable when he couldn't have his thumb. The good news is I'm going back next Wednesday to finish my morning at the Spa.

ATT was to show up at our house what I thought was noon. Apparently it was a window of 12-2. Right before 2 they called and said it would probably wouldn't be until around 4pm they would show up. The guy finally arrived and went to work. After an hour of work he told us the sad news we were about 2000 feet too far from the box to have the proper signal for the service. I am so bummed out. I think I feel really bad because I had cancelled our service with cable because the new billing cycle started on Tuesday and why pay for another month when you just were going to cancel. So now I have to call them back to get a us reactivated. Hopefully they can send a truck out this morning. I don't think Patrick will understand when he wakes up why we can't watch the Wiggles. He is starting to wake now - so wish me luck!

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