Thursday, October 14, 2010

When it rains it pours

The stomach flu has hit our house this week. It was one of those things where you hope it was just one child and maybe yourself out of sympathy and that was enough suffering. Turns out we were not so lucky. Yesterday after dinner, Tommy became the next victim and then later in the evening it was Patrick. Right now John and Matt are the lucky ones and hopefully with them not being around it as much as I have they will escape this nasty bug. Yesterday I was lucky enough to clean more of Tommy's room in preparation for my parents visit next Monday. When Patrick went down ill, I pulled down a cot mattress and made Tommy's room a medical ward that way I didn't have to keep running up and down the stairs if Patrick got sick again. Needless to say it was not a restful night for me. It was nice that we did not have to be anywhere so I could rest on the couch and then get up to take care of things here and there. I would like to think we are almost out of the woods but I'm not so sure. Tommy hasn't had much of an appetite and I think James' appetite is coming back.

Yesterday John came home from school with a big grin on his face. You would think he won the lottery or something. Turns out he did in a way as he lost another tooth. I'm so glad a few more are starting to drop because it front teeth are looking a little funny and they need the two next to them to grow in so they can be pushed closer together. I'm not sure if John is OCD or just very detail oriented. He made not to us this morning that the tooth fairy put the dollar bill in the top right corner and not in the center like normal. Also the dollar was folded differently than before. I told him it must have been a substitute. I'm also thinking this under the pillow thing is for the birds and he should leave his tooth out on the kitchen table so we don't have to worry about such details.

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