I think we had a pretty successful Father's Day. I took pictures of the boys after I found an awesome 4 picture 4 x 6 frame that Matt could have for his office. I like that all the frames are 4 x 6. Now the only thing I need to remember is that 2 are horizontal and 2 are landscape. Trying to take "nice" pictures for this frame was a bit of a chore. Sometimes John smiles too much and it looks like his eyes are closed. James starts looking away from the camera and Patrick and Tommy didn't want to cooperate at all! This weekend we are going to take our annual "Kirsch Grand kids" photo. I'm hoping the boys might cooperate for Paul and I can get them together for a summer picture for my walls. John made Matt a Father's Day present at school. They glue gunned Popsicle sticks together to make a business card holder with golf tees on the outside. It was really cute. We went to Dudley Park in the morning so Matt could see how well Tommy is doing on the big kids toys. He even got to play catch with John. In the afternoon he got to use his new weed wacker and the saw attachment to the weed wacker. We had some branches on the Black Walnut tree really grow and it was starting to touch the house. After dinner we took a walk for some ice cream at CP's.
Here is a picture of my Dad with my Grandma when he was little. I think Patrick really looks like him.It's funny because I think Patrick acts like my Dad too. Patrick will do the craziest stuff and not even think twice about it - just like my Dad.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Father's Day
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Swimming lessons have begun
This is the first week of lessons. We are at day 3 and I think James has had enough. I think he enjoys it but today it was cool before we even got in the pool and it was cool coming out of the pool on day 1 so I think that was enough to make him think he doesn't want to do it. He put his head under water on the first day and yesterday afternoon when Lori took him and John to the pool. I'm surprised that he doesn't like the games they play before they get out of the pool. Today he was refusing to do warm up exercises and I was trying to keep him in the area hoping one of the teachers that wasn't his would just take him form me but I had to wait for his teacher. John is doing well he is almost ready to pass the 2nd level. He just needs to relax and do the back float a little longer. Hopefully in a few weeks that will happen.
I had Patrick and Tommy in the backyard pool for the first time. They enjoyed it very much. Tommy kept squealing. He would get mad when he fell in the water but then would dump a bucket of water on his head. The water was cool. I filled the pool a little bit before we left for lessons in the hopes that it would warm up while we were gone. This is year 2 for the pool so its not holding the air so well.
I hope James starts to like the lessons - 2nd session will be tough - we are signed up for the 8:10 lesson instead of 9am so the potential for it to be cooler in the morning is greater. Yikes!
Saturday, June 13, 2009
A good ending
I finally got my wallet back. The person who found it sent it requesting signature confirmation. I missed the mailman so that was the first stop for me this morning on my grocery shopping run. It was nice to have it back. Now I just need to wait for the replacement cards and carry on. This is bad but not as bad as dropping my cell phone in water.
Yesterday we decided to upgrade our basic cable to digital cable. One of the kids favorite shows on Disney is making the move to PBS Sprout - which is only offered on the digital cable. We needed to get two digital boxes (one for each tv) the remotes and wires. We also get some channels in HD because we have HDTV's. I'm really enjoying how clear everything is. It is funny yesterday was the big "digital" day if you had reception over the air but it turned into a big digital day for us. Lots of channels galore and there are some kids shows that are free on demand so if there is "nothing on" we can choose something the kids like. Its almost like having a DVR but not having to pay $8.99 or something ridiculous like that.
I picked up John and James' soccer trophy's and pictures today. The pictures are cute and truly capture how the kids are.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
The Mall
This week has been a great week for the first week of summer. John and James are having a blast at Safety Town, we went to a Captains game which John got to yell "Play Ball" before the first pitch and the boys and I went to the mall because James has been dying to go to the Disney Store. We got to the mall and I made the kids eat lunch so we could then play, shop and go home. We did all that then Patrick claimed he needed to use the potty so I took him there - he didn't go but just about everyone else did. We got to the car and I got everyone loaded in, snacks and juice in hand go to reach in my pocket for my keys, found the keys but NO WALLET! I was frantically looking around the ground. I looked inside the bags of clothes and shoes we had bought nothing. So I loaded everyone back into the stroller and we were off to the races. The first stop was the bathroom - just because I figured that was the place it would drop. Then checked a play area outside of Sears - nothing, went back to Sears where I made my last purchase just in case I left it on the counter knowing I did not - NOPE. Back down the elevator and across the mall to the Customer Service to ask if anyone had turned it in - nope. I said ok time to go home - its lost. Talked with Matt and had him call the bank to cancel my card and told him what purchases I had made. I came home canceled my one and only major credit card I usually carry and found out what I needed to do to replace my drivers license. I then take a call from work and start to deal with that. During a break I log into facebook and I have a message in my inbox. It is from the lady who found it outside of the mall! She said everything - money included is still entact - THANK YOU GOD!! She is going to mail it to me - I offered to meet her to pick it up but she has baseball obiligations the next two days so in the mail it goes.
Back to earlier in the mall. I knew I needed Patrick's feet checked for the correct size because I noticed the tennis shoes he was wearing the seam at the toes were starting to split. I looked this morning to see if I had any other shoes - size 8 just hanging around - no just 8 1/2. I really couldn't tell where his big toe was but it seemed close at times and too big other times. Turns out the poor kid is a Size 9!
James is really enjoying Safety Town - I think he really enjoys being a big boy and doing fun things. Yesterday the Police came to visit and handed out badges. Today the Fire and Ambulance was there to give out fire hats. It is good stuff. I think I will wait for Tommy to be old enough so he can do it together with Patrick. You have to be between 4-6.
John had a great baseball game last night - he finally came out of his hitting slump and had 3 doubles. He was very excited each time he hit one as he was jumping up and down on 2nd base. He also got the game ball. Hopefully his hitting streak will continue. I think last night was the first game we won all year.